Metso Insights Case studies Aggregates Less safety hazards with Remote IC app for Lokotrack® remote process control
Feb 8, 2024

Less safety hazards with Remote IC app for Lokotrack® remote process control

Maansiirto Väinö Tenkanen, Finnish Lokotrack® contractor, played a crucial role as one of the first testers of the new Remote IC app for remote process control, developed by Metso. The results are positive – using Remote IC has significantly decreased the need to step out from the excavator cabin, as well as improved the overall crushing productivity since the operator can see the process main parameters from one dashboard in the excavator cabin.
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“Remote IC has made our work easier and much safer as I don’t need to step out from the excavator cabin as often or in a hurry. In the past, with the earlier Lokotracks lacking Remote IC, I’ve had to rush to stop the feeder when the jaw crusher struggled to keep the pace and the cone was about to overflow. Unfortunately, I experienced an incident where I tripped, resulting in a shoulder injury that took six months to recover. Luckily, I was wearing a helmet. This experience reinforced my strong preference for Remote IC, allowing me to stop the feeder, assess the situation and prioritize safety over rushing to the jaw crusher,” explains Teemu Tenkanen, Crushing Supervisor at Maansiirto Väinö Tenkanen. 

Remote IC case study with Tenkanen
Automation expert Riki Korkiakoski talks to Teemu Tenkanen.
When luck turns bad that one time, that's when it happens.
Teemu Tenkanen, Crushing Supervisor, Maansiirto Väinö Tenkanen
remote ic crusher setting
Remote IC wirelessly connects Lokotrack crushers and screens on site. The entire process can be monitored in a single view, helping to avoid unnecessary process stops. Remote IC makes crushing more efficient and safer.

Efficient and safe operations with the new app 

Maansiirto Väinö Tenkanen is an aggregates contractor working in Southern Finland, east Pirkanmaa for aggregates production and forestry road building, starting from the 1970’s. They work with one Lokotrack train, including the LT106 jaw crusher and the LT220D with a GP cone and an integrated screen.  

“We’ve gotten better results in crushing and screening efficiency with the new Lokotrack train. Especially emptying the cavity with hydraulics in LT106 and the IC automation has made the equipment much easier to work with. In our operations, easy transportation is crucial, especially when relocating to a new crushing site every couple of weeks. Both equipment can be transported without a special permit for oversize loads. The equipment is set to change to transport mode within minutes and no parts need to be disassembled for transport,” says Tenkanen.  

Remote IC connects the Lokotrack crushers and screens together wirelessly at the site. The operator can adjust the feeding for optimal production level with an overall visibility of the process. If problems occur, the Remote IC stops the feeder to prevent overloading. It also instantly informs about the reason of the stop, making it quicker and easier to get back into operation. With a lower overflow risk, the process can be run closer to the maximum capacity. Overall view to the process helps avoid unnecessary process stops. 

remote ic wheelloader
The app can be monitored by several employees, but only one can make adjustments. This allows the whole team to monitor how the process is progressing.
In case irons get to the secondary crusher cavity, Remote IC automatically stops the jaw crusher feeder to prevent damage. This brings security to the operation
Teemu Tenkanen, Crushing Supervisor, Maansiirto Väinö Tenkanen

Purpose-driven co-operation 

Metso recognizes the importance of collaborative product development with customers. “For us, it has been very valuable to test the app on site and get quick and direct feedback from the customer,, says Toni Peltomäki, Director, Aggregates automation at Metso. 

Maansiirto Väinö Tenkanen buys all the service parts from Metso, and they have the Equipment protection services (EPS) with extended warranty for their equipment. “Using Metso parts ensures that the parts are available, and that they are compatible with our equipment.”   

“We are happy to partner with Metso. It’s good to know that help is one phone call away – even when the equipment is well-functioned and there has not been any sudden need for aid. After all, the money comes underneath the main conveyor, and it needs to keep piling up”, sums up Tenkanen.  

Remote IC app
Lokotrack® control in excavator cabin