Metso Campaigns Ferrous & Heat Transfer Newsletter

Ferrous & Heat Transfer Newsletter

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With the Ferrous & Heat Transfer Newsletter, Metso is informing the global community in the relevant industries about the latest developments in the areas of iron ore agglomeration and direct reduction and our broad spectrum of other pyrometallurgical processes. This covers aspects from new projects and plant start-ups, brand-new offerings of products or services, exciting technology innovations and up-to-date market information.

Current issues

Issue 1/2025 Click here to read this issue of the Metso Ferrous & Heat Transfer Newsletter.
Issue 1/2023 Click here to read this issue of the Metso Ferrous & Heat Transfer Newsletter.
Issue 1/2022 Click here to read this issue of the Metso Outotec Ferrous & Heat Transfer Newsletter.
Issue 1/2021 Click here to read this issue of the Metso Outotec Ferrous & Heat Transfer Newsletter.
Subscribing to the Ferrous & Heat Transfer Newsletter is free of charge. Simply fill out the requested information on the form and don't miss out on our exclusive articles.
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