Metso is equipped with wide range of Sand manufacturing solutions.
Robust HRC™ high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR)
Robust HRC™ high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR)

High quality manufactured sand or turn waste materials into sellable products or work with difficult feed materials, Metso has the perfect solution with HRC™, are specifically designed to meet the needs of aggregate and industrial minerals applications.

  • High quality aggregates from improved efficiency of the circuit (existing) for sand manufacturing process
  • Better reduction and less circulating load to optimize the cost of the sand manufacturing operations.
  • Lower energy and wear consumption – Cope with tough applications and conditions
  • Capable to process medium feed sizes , hard / soft rock, construction waste, moisture content or abrasive materials – Do all the above in an environmentally friendly way
Wet classification system

Under Metso wet classification system, equipment offers a compact, highly efficient integrated wet processing solution for sand processing consist of superior technology of classification equipments and pumps allowing the water recovery up to 90% with indigenous supply of world class process equipment. This integrated offer provides all the need of sand washing system required in the field of Manufactured sand, Construction and Demolition, Industrial Minerals & over-burden/river sand classification needs,

  • Compact
  • Less operating cost
  • Process flexibility
  • Well controlled silt free sand
  • Consistent quality and graded sand output
Wet classification system
Dry classification - Air classifiers –  AC Series
Dry classification - Air classifiers – AC Series

The dry solution uses a unique chamber and airflow design to ensure precise separation of ultrafines from sand with an accuracy of microns

  • Less operating cost than any classification solution
  • Highly accurate separation from 300 µm to 63µm
  • Easy to adjust & fine tuning the consistent graded sand output
  • Most efficient way to separate ultrafine
  • Can achieve cement savings of upto 10-15%
  • Saving the water and no use of any chemical for recovery process,
  • Customised solution for classification as per the needs of the customer
Barmac® B Series™

Vertical shaft impact (VSI) crushers

Barmac® is equipped with Deep Rotor Technology best for producing cubical shaped products and quality M-sand as per statutory norm and government guidelines. The only Barmac® VSI crusher having patented technology and origin of VSI crusher history with advance automation.

  • Superior product quality
  • Uses rock-on-rock crushing process for better shape
  • Increased Uptime
  • Simple to install and maintain with lower wear cost
Barmac® B Series™
TS Series™ Screens
TS Series™ Screens

TS Series™ banana screens are superior in technology for fines screening application with multi-slope profile and high-performance in vibration, It is well suited screening equipment for plastering sand classification and other industrial minerals and fine sand recovery circuit:

  • Built tough for maximum load handling.
  • At least 20% more active screening surface
  • Precision production without interruptions
  • Banana shaped screens with variable elliptical motion
  • Equipped with wet water spray arrangement,
  • Versatile screening solution
  • High frequency and performance in fines stratification
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