Board of Directors

The general objective of the Board of Directors is to direct Metso's business and strategies in a manner that secures a significant and sustained increase in the value of the company for its shareholders.

Board in general

Metso’s Board consists of five to ten members, whom the Annual General Meeting elects for a term that lasts until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. According to the Finnish Act on Personnel Representation in the Administration of Undertakings, a personnel representative participates in the meetings as an invited expert with no voting rights or legal liability for the Board’s decisions. There is no specific order of appointment of Board members. The members of the Board are expected to act as a resource and to offer their expertise and experience for the benefit of the company.

The Board is convened by the Chair, or if the Chair is unavailable, by the Vice Chair. The Board has a quorum when more than half of the members are present and one of these is the Chair or the Vice Chair. A decision of the Board shall be carried by a majority of those present or, in the case of a tie, the Chair shall have the casting vote. Metso’s President and CEO as well as CFO participate in the Board meetings, and the General Counsel acts as Secretary of the Board. Other Metso Leadership Team members and other executives participate in the meetings when needed.

Metso Board of Directors

The Metso Board consists of Kari Stadigh as Chair, Klaus Cawén as the Vice Chair and Brian Beamish, Terhi Koipijärvi, Niko Pakalén, Ian W. Pearce, Reima Rytsölä, Emanuela Speranza and Arja Talma as members.

Committees of Metso Board of Directors

Arja Talma acts as the Chair and Klaus Cawén, Terhi Koipijärvi, Ian W. Pearce and Emanuela Speranza as members of the Audit & Risk Committee.

Reima Rytsölä acts as the Chair and Brian Beamish, Niko Pakalén, Kari Stadigh members of the Remuneration and HR Committee.


Metso Board Charter

Metso Audit & Risk Committee Charter

Metso Remuneration and HR Committee Charter


Kari Stadigh

Kari Stadigh

Chair of the Board

Chair of the Metso Board and Member of the Remuneration & HR Committee since 2021

Nationality: Finnish
Born: 1955
Education: Master of Science (Eng.), BBA

Independent of the company
Independent of significant shareholders

Main occupation

Several positions of trust

Other positions of trust

Chair of the Board: Saxo Bank AS

Klaus Cawén

Klaus Cawén

Vice Chair of the Board

Vice Chair of the Metso Board and Member of the Audit & Risk Committee since 2021

Nationality: Finnish 
Born: 1957
Education: Master of Laws (LL.M.)

Independent of the company
Independent of significant shareholders

Main occupation

Executive Advisor, KONE Corporation

Other positions of trust

Vice Chair of the Board: Sanoma Corporation
Member of the Board: Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation
Member of the Board: A. Ahlström Corporation
Senior Advisor: DevCo Partners Oy

Brian Beamish

Brian Beamish

Member of the board

Member of the Metso Board and Member of the Remuneration and HR Committee since 2022

Nationality: British and South African 
Born: 1956
Education: B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Independent of the company
Independent of significant shareholders

Main occupation

Board professional

Terhi Koipijärvi

Terhi Koipijärvi

Member of the board

Member of the Metso Board and Member of the Audit & Risk Committee since 2022

Nationality: Finnish
Born: 1967
Education: M. Sc. (Forestry)

Independent of the company
Independent of significant shareholders

Main occupation

Senior Advisor, Miltton Group

Other positions of trust

Chair of the Board: FIBS
Member of the Board: Green Resources AS (East Africa)
Memebr of the Board: Ponsse Plc


Niko Pakalén

Niko Pakalén

Member of the Board

Member of the Metso Board and the Remuneration and HR Committee since 2023

Nationality: Finnish, Swedish
Born: 1986
Education: M.Sc. (Econ.)

Independent of the company
Independent of significant shareholders

Main occupation

Partner, Cevian Capital

Other positions of trust

Member of the Board, AB SKF
Chairman of the Board, Human Practice Foundation Sweden

Ian W. Pearce

Ian W. Pearce

Member of the board

Member of the Metso Board since 2020 and Member of the Audit & Risk Committee since 2021

Nationality: Canadian
Born: 1957
Education: B.Sc.

Independent of the company
Independent of significant shareholders

Main occupation

Several positions of trust

Other positions of trust

Senior Advisor to the Board: KoBold Metals (USA)
Chair of the Board: Newgold Inc. (Canada)
Chair of the Board: MineSense Technologies Ltd (Canada)
Advisor to the Board: MineSense Technologies Ltd (Canada)
Member of the Board: NextSource Inc. (Canada)
Member of the Board: Northland Power Inc. (Canada)

Reima Rytsölä

Reima Rytsölä

Member of the Board

Member of the Metso and Chair of the Remuneration and HR Committee since 2023

Nationality: Finnish
Born: 1969
Education: M.Soc.Sc.

Independent of the company
Not independent of significant shareholders

Main occupation

CEO, Solidium Oy

Other positions of trust

Member of the Board, Nokian Tyres plc
Member of the Board, Stora Enso Oyj

Emanuela Speranza

Emanuela Speranza

Member of the Board

Member of the Metso Board since 2020 and Member of the Audit & Risk Committee since 2021

Nationality: Italian
Born: 1968
Education: M.Sc. (Tech.), B.Sc., Business Administration 

Independent of the company
Independent of significant shareholders

Main occupation

Chief Commercial Officer, Ametek Inc.

Arja Talma

Arja Talma

Member of the Board

Member of the Metso Board and Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee since 2020

Nationality: Finnish
Born: 1962
Education: M.Sc. (Econ.), eMBA; Authorized Public Accountant

Independent of the company
Independent of significant shareholders

Main occupation

Board professional

Other positions of trust

Chair of the Board and Member of the Audit Committee:
Member of the Board: Nordea Bank Abp
Member of the Board and Chair of the Audit Committee: Glaston Corporation

Work experience:

Several Executive positions, Kesko Corporation, 2004-2015, including CFO 2005-2011
Executive Vice President, Oy Radiolinja Ab, 2001-2003
Partner, APA, Auditor, KPMG Wideri Oy Ab, 1987-2001

Previous positions as Chair of the Audit Committee, e.g.:

Aktia Bank Plc, 2018-2/2022
Metso Corporation, 2016-2020
Posti Group Plc, 2016-2020
Sponda Plc, 2007-2017