Metso Corporate Sustainability Creating a meaninful impact Corporate social responsibility in South America

Corporate social responsibility in South America

Corporate social responsibility in South America
At Metso, we want to create positive impact in the communities we operate in. We aim to contribute to the development of the regions, providing a better quality of life and supporting the people of our communities, making our actions socially fair, environmentally correct and economically sustainable.


Making an impact to 500+ young people's lives through the Pescar project

At Metso Brazil, we believe in initiatives that can expand possibilities and provide access for young people to enter the job market. Started in 1991, Metso Brazil developed a partnership with Fundação Projeto Pescar, to create professional training for young people in situations of social vulnerability. To date, more than 500 young people have already benefited from the program, which has been further developed in partnership with other companies that share the same community principles. Projeto Pescar is the result of joint effort by all involved parties, which is why it ends up touching and transforming the lives of young people and our volunteer collaborators.

Metso Multicultural Festival

The third edition of the Metso Multicultural Festival will take place on August 30th and 31st, and September 1st 2024 at Parque das Águas in Sorocaba.

The impact of Metso Multicultural in Sorocaba extends far beyond just the race event; it's a key part of the city's annual calendar and highly esteemed by the local Sorocaba community. The annual festival unites cultural activities for children, youth and adults, offering memorable experiences with locally nationally and acclaimed artists. This event plays a significant role in preserving the city’s traditions and reinforcing our commitment to positive community impact.

2024 festival includes a rich program with 15 attractions over the three days, showcasing a variety of cultural performances. After hosting around 8,000 attendees in 2023, the festival anticipates an even larger turnout for 2024. Admission is free so that everyone in the community can come enjoy the event. Beyond the artistic performances, attendees can enjoy a charitable Gastronomic Festival, where 10% of food and drink sales will be donated to three local organizations. Additionally, the program features craft sales, book exchanges, play area for kids and a food drive organized by Metso volunteers.


Natural disaster support: We are with our affected families in the V Region

In February and March 2024, our solidarity campaign "We are with our families in the V Region" was deployed to help the Metso families affected by the fires in Viña del Mar and surrounding communities in Chile. In addition to this, with the "Solidarity Backpack" campaign, we were able to deliver school kits for the elementary and middle school students of 50 families in the of Quilpué area, who were victims of the fires. With the support and contribution of the Concón Joint Committee, we also distributed 180 emergency kits, including for instance gloves, masks and water for the emergency area.

Environment and sustainability: Kindergarten green spaces

As part of our corporate social responsibility work in the close communities, we donated synthetic grass to cover playgrounds for four kindergartens in the municipality of Concón. The General Services team personally delivered the donation to the kindergartens in May 2024. By this donation, Metso is giving meaning to its sustainability strategy, giving a second life to a product that is now being reused in the four kindergartens of the community.



Education, skill development & livelihood

In accordance with the local industry legislation, Metso Peru is registered in the General Register of the Taxpayers of Senati. Based on this, Metso in Peru is obliged to pay a monthly contribution to Senati, that then provides industrial work education and training for young people with scarce economic resources. With the help of companies like Metso, Senati supports more than 80,000 students for each year.

Sports promotion: Solidarity race with SOS Children’s Villages

SOS Children’s Village is a social development organization that works for the promotion and defense of children's rights. Metso in Peru pays the registration fee to the SOS Children’s Village race event for Metso employees and their families who wish to take part, supporting the social cause. In 2022, 40 Metsonites with their families participated the race, and in 2023, there were 55 participants. In 2024, the race will take place in October.