Aiming for a smaller environmental footprint
Developing our environmental efficiency is a continuous process. Sustainable use of resources underpins the long-term success of our business. A global operating environment brings opportunities and risks that we must recognize throughout our value chain.
The environmental impacts of our own operations consist mainly of energy consumption, atmospheric emissions, water consumption and waste generation. These impacts are created through operational activities in our manufacturing sites, research centers, laboratories and service centers. We also have processes to follow and targets to reduce the indirect environmental impacts of the external activities such as procurement and logistics.
We have ambitious CO2 reduction targets
We have ambitious CO2 emission reduction targets for our own operations: we are targeting net
zero emissions by 2030. In logistics, we target a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025 from 2019 baseline. We also aim to reduce our water consumption by 15% per employee in water-scarce
locations and to reduce the volume of waste sent to a landfill by 90% by 2030 (both compared to 2021).
Our solutions to reduce CO2 emissions include the extended use of renewable energy, environmental improvement actions in our production processes and facilities, and investments in own energy generation i.e. solar power systems and ground heat. We have more than tripled the number of solar panels at our sites compared to the beginning of 2021. Our long-term goal is to switch heating systems from fossil fuels to electricity. In our foundries, we are working to find alternatives to natural gas and LPG. In 2023, we completed almost 40 energy/ CO2 efficiency projects. In Brazil, we finalized a green-gas certificates initiative, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions from the use of natural gas. Going forward, we plan to expand the use of green-gas certificates in other countries as well.
In 2023, in addition to the energy-saving actions in our own operations, we improved the water efficiency of several of our production processes and reduced freshwater intake by, e.g., directing process overflow water to a local garden and utilizing condensation water from air conditioning for facility cleaning and plant watering.

Biodiversity – understanding our impact

Metso Plus approach
The biggest environmental impacts of Metso’s solutions are generated during customer processes. Central to our sustainability efforts is our Metso Plus offering. These are products that are significantly more energy or water efficient than the market standard, and help our customers cut their CO2 emissions or achieve any of their other sustainability priorities such as reducing pollution. Read more from Metso Plus offering and innovations.
Metso Plus offering and innovations | Metso Plus Sales | Grow our Metso Plus sales faster than overall sales | Grow our Metso Plus sales faster than overall sales | EUR 1,447 million | EUR 1,225 million | On target |
Metso Plus offering and innovations | R&D projects with an energy efficency, emissions, circularity, water, or safety target | 100% of R&D projects’ spend on projects with energy efficiency, emissions, circularity, water, or safety target | 100% of R&D projects’ spend on projects with annual energy efficiency, emissions, circularity, water, or safety target | 99.8% | 99.7% | On target |
Environmental efficiency in operations | CO2 emissions: Production (scope 1 and 2 ) | Net zero by 2030 | Decrease CO2 emissions by 64% compared to 2019 | 32,182 tCO2 | 44,595 tCO2 | -73% (compared to 2019) |
Environmental efficiency in operations | CO2 emissions: Logistics | Decrease CO2 emissions from logistics by 20% by 2025 compared to 2019 | Decrease CO2 emissions by 20% by 2025 compared to 2019 | 163,000 tCO2 | 160,000 tCO2 | -7% (compared to 2019 ) |
Environmental efficiency in operations | Suppliers’ SBT CO2 emission targets | 30% of direct procurement spend is with suppliers that have a science-based CO2 emission target (SBT) by 2025 | 20% of direct procurement spend is with suppliers that have a science-based CO2 emission target (SBT) | 25.6% | 22.3% | On target |