Type: Course
Date: 7 – 17 November
Location: Pori, Metso Outotec Research Center
Language: EN
Six different courses are available. We recommend everyone to start with the HSC Sim Basics course, since this information is needed in the more advanced Mineral processing, Hydrometallurgy, and Pyrometallurgy courses.
HSC Sim Basics, November 7, 2022, Matti Hietala & Tuukka Kotiranta
- This course gives an overview of the basic HSC Sim operation principles and the major procedures needed to solve more complicated problems with the HSC software. The course will also illustrate thermochemistry application possibilities in practical problems.
HSC Sim Pyro, November 8 – 9, 2022, Matti Hietala
- The course covers a general introduction to the Sim Flowsheet module with several demonstrations and provides an understanding of the potential applications of the Sim Distribution mode. The target of this course is to acquire the versatile skills to use and create Sim Distribution mode applications and analyse the results.
HSC Sim Hydro, November 8 – 9, 2022, Tuukka Kotiranta
- The course covers a general introduction to the Sim Flowsheet module with several demonstrations and provides an understanding of the potential applications of the Sim Reactions mode. The target of this course is to acquire the versatile skills to use and create Sim Reactions mode applications and analyse the results.
HSC Sim Pyro & Hydro Dynamic, November 10, 2022, Matti Hietala & Tuukka Kotiranta
- During this training session the user will become more familiar with the HSC Sim Dynamic Unit for species that is commonly used for modelling smelting operations. Although this training document is not comprehensive in all the features that the Dynamic units offer, it attempts to showcase the significant functions and differences as compared to the HSC Static units so a passing familiarity with the use of HSC Sim with those units would be useful.
HSC Sim Mineral Processing, November 14 – 15, 2022, Caroline Izart
- The course focuses on HSC Sim Particles mode applications. Typically, these are used in minerals processing simulations, but they may also be applied in many other areas, e.g. recycling.
HSC Sim Mineral Processing Advanced, November 16 – 17, Caroline Izart
- The Advanced Course for Mineral Processing studies HSC Sim Particle mode application more deeply covering data reconciliation with HSC Mass Balance and model fitting of flotation data with HSC Sim Model Fit.
The price for the courses is 500 EUR per day per participant (VAT 0%).
The total fixed price of the course covers:
- The selected HSC training course
- Workbooks as printed copy
- Training and exercises in electronic forms
- 30 days course license
- Course certificates
- Lunches and refreshments
Click here to register to the courses! Registration needs to be done latest October 31.
Click here to download more information about the upcoming HSC Chemistry Public Courses 2022.