Metso Insights Blog Mining and metals blog Is your mill a good candidate for Megaliner™ mill liners?
Nov 25, 2024

Is your mill a good candidate for Megaliner™ mill liners?

Fredrik Johansson
Fredrik Johansson
Director, Rubber and Poly-Met Mill Lining
Megaliner™ is one of Metso’s most innovative mill lining products and has been available on the market since 2012. The latest addition to the product family was Megaliner for discharge systems, launched in 2020, making the Megaliner mill lining system a complete solution for all sections of a horizontal grinding mill: the feed end, shell and discharge end.

Many customers have the mindset to further develop and improve their operations and are always looking for new solutions to do so. A question we often hear is “How do I know if Megaliner is suitable for my mill?”

The questions below can help you to determine if your mill is suitable for a Megaliner:

Do you want to increase mill availability?

For every hour that the grinding circuit is shut down due to liner exchange, a mine site loses revenue. How much revenue is lost depends on the ore grade, throughput, as well as commodity prices. For many years, there has been a trend in the industry towards selecting larger mills for production reasons.   Larger mills mean more throughput when everything is running smoothly but has a large financial impact when unplanned downtime occurs or even when it is time for planned service or relining.

The Megaliner concept is designed to minimize the number of parts and people inside the mill during a relining process, which significantly reduces reline time. With Megaliner there are less parts involved, and together with the innovative attachment system, this has shown to be able to speed up installations by up to 50%. Megaliner is larger than a traditional liner and comes in one piece instead of multiple parts. With a Megaliner, there are up to 70% fewer parts involved compared to a regular liner!

Our innovative attachment system can speed up installations by up to 50%.

Is relining time a bottleneck for your mill?

Almost invariably, the AG, SAG and ball mill liner wear life dictates the optimal shutdown dates of the mills. The removal of the worn liners along with the installation of the new ones determines the length of each planned shutdown and can thus act as a bottleneck for the whole plant.  The Megaliner concept is designed to minimize the number of parts and people inside the mill during a relining process, which significantly reduces reline time.

Also, a lining system that is optimized to your mill usually lasts longer, meaning fewer shutdowns in total and increased reliability and minimized risk for unplanned shutdowns.

Are you looking to make relines safer?

Grinding mill reline operations are known for being one of the most difficult and dangerous tasks for any mine site. The Megaliner concept addresses several safety concerns, such as liner placement and bolting and makes a great difference in worker safety. The Megaliner bolts are inserted and removed from the outside of the mill and workers do not need to stand in the drop-zone of the suspended liners. This eliminates the need of personnel in the danger zone.

Removal of bolts from the outside of the mill
Removal of bolts from the outside of the mill

What is the size of your trunnion opening?

The size of the trunnion opening dictates the maximum liner size. A Megaliner element, which combines multiple lifter and plate rows, is significantly larger than traditional linings, covering up to 8 m². A wider opening allows for the use of a larger mill reline machine, enabling the installation of a bigger Megaliner. This leads to a quicker and safer relining process.

Does your mill reline machine have seven axis?

Only high-capacity 7-Axis mill reline machines can  fully utilize the potential of the Megaliner solution. Megaliner elements enable much faster installations but require high-capacity and high-precision mill reline machines. A minimum capacity of 2,500kg is recommended, and a 7-Axis configuration is essential.   The additional liner orientation control enabled by a 7-Axis mill reline machine is crucial for precise bolt hole alignment, especially with large and heavy liners.

Upgrading your mill reline machine might be worth considering, as modern mill reline machines often offer a relatively short payback time due to increased relining speeds and the ability to manage more efficient liner solutions. With a long-term contract different payment solutions are available. Consulting with one of our experts can help you determine if a new mill reline machine is a viable option for you.



If you answer yes to any of these questions, Megaliner can be the right solution for you. In the right application, you will get the benefits of increased uptime and safety. Contact us for more information. 

Check the video

Do you want to shorten the down time when relining your mill? Megaliner mill lining system offers a tool to do this, as the number of liner parts is less. Together with the unique attachment system this can speed up installations by up to 50%.

Megaliner is also part of our Mill lining recycling service, where we separate the different liner components and they can be recycled or reused in the most optimal way. 


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