Metso Insights Blog People and culture Meet Marketing Trainee Pauliina
Jul 31, 2024

Kicking off the career: Meet Marketing Trainee Pauliina

Pauliina joined Metso’s Aggregates Distributor Program Development team as a trainee and her marketing career got a kick-start during the summer in Tampere, Finland. Read her story below.

Hi! I am Pauliina, and I work as a Marketing Summer Trainee at the Tampere office, Finland. Originally, I come from the countryside of Suodenniemi, but my journey has led me to Vaasa, where I graduated from the Vaasa University of Applied Sciences with a bachelor’s degree in international business. Currently, I am pursuing my master’s studies in Marketing Management at the Vaasa University and have moved back to my hometown.

Metso has always been one of my dream companies. I've heard so many positive things about it, and one thing that impressed me the most was that everyone I know who has worked there has stayed for a long time. When I was moving back from Vaasa to my hometown, applying to Metso was an obvious choice. I submitted my application in January, and the process was smooth and straightforward. After my application, I was invited for an interview, and I was thrilled to be offered a position. I started my journey at Metso in May 2024.

The beginning of my journey was extraordinary because it was just two weeks before the big Lokolaunch event in Tampere. At first, I was a bit nervous because I knew the marketing team had been working extremely hard for the event. It turned out that all my worries were unnecessary because the team was incredibly welcoming, and I felt like a valued part of the team from day one. They included me in this fantastic event, supported me whenever I needed help, and the team spirit was exceptional.

Power team at the Lokolaunch event. From left to right: April Jacobson, Lilli Nykänen, Pauliina Hakala, Katja Falcão and Evelina Califano.
Power team at the Lokolaunch event. From left to right: April Jacobson, Lilli Nykänen, Pauliina Hakala, Katja Falcão and Evelina Califano.

After the Lokolaunch, things settled into a more regular routine. My daily tasks include collaborating with the marketing team, managing social media, maintaining our distributors' email inbox, assisting distributors with any inquiries, updating sales tools, Salesforce, and PDFs, writing articles, and much more.

This summer has been incredibly valuable for my personal and professional growth. I've learned a lot about myself and the type of work I enjoy. My team constantly encourages me to share my opinions, express what I think, and articulate my needs and wants. This supportive environment has been the best part of working at Metso; I truly feel that my opinions are valued, and my skills are appreciated. This experience has helped me find my voice and confidence. Additionally, I've participated in amazing events and learned to use various new tools that will undoubtedly aid my marketing career.

Celebrating Pride in June 2024.
Celebrating Pride in June 2024.