One thing these last couple of years has taught us is to take nothing for granted, not to sweat the small stuff, focus on what you can control in your life, and know the limit of what you can control.
Another thing that is quite evident is that people have had a rough time across the world this past year. Having to deal with many new unique scenarios, lockdown, home-school, and some of your basic rights – or what we thought were basic rights – taken away or fundamentally changed. To make decisions regarding our teams, our departments in a faster, more agile way and to navigate through a landscape where we haven’t made these decisions before. This was not only new territory for us as leaders but also for our teams, our families, and societies in its entirety.
Many questions came up... Will this work? Is this the right decision to make? What if I fail, what if I am wrong? And through this chaos, we found that we can do this. We can succeed together, and if we as leaders are prepared to serve our teams and people, we will make it through.
That is why we believe in and support the Leadership principles of Metso Outotec: Put People First, Create Clarity and Simplify, Build Bridges, and Drive Growth They are inspirational and focused on what in our view true leadership must be. In all these Principles, there is an underlying message that we would like to highlight: you cannot be a leader if you are not prepared to serve.