Metso Mining Grinding
Every mining operation has a unique grinding process. Metso has experience with over 8,000 grinding mill installations globally, including manufacturing and delivering the largest SAG/AG mills in the world.

Global expertise, local presence

+100 years of experience in minerals processing. Professionals in over 50 countries around the world. 

Reduce energy costs

30% energy savings by replacing old ball mills with a Vertimill®.

Increase uptime

Fewer mill liner parts improve safety and cut downtime by 50%.

Improve availability

200% longer mill liner lifetime increased availability and production time.

Your #1 service partner from pit to port
Are you looking to increase production, reduce risks, lower operating costs and enhance environmental performance?

Energy efficient solutions to maximize grinding productivity and profitability

With over a century of experience, Metso designs and manufactures the most comprehensive line of grinding mills and entire grinding systems for mining companies around the world.

The comprehensive offering provides reliable and energy efficient technology and solutions across wet, dry, horizontal, and vertical grinding operations.

With customer needs and operational risk at the core of design, the grinding mills, engineered mill liners, and robust trommels ensure the highest availability.

The extensive product support and optimization services help in maximizing the efficiency of your grinding mill, grinding circuit or entire grinding process.

Grinding process optimization and connected services
Explore our tools to aid in optimizing your circuit to increase throughput, availability, or reduce energy consumption.

Grinding customer cases, blogs & webinars


HRCe & MRE - Metso Plus claims 301 kB
Stirred mills - Metso Plus claims 424 kB
HRCe & MRE - Metso Plus claims
301 kB
Stirred mills - Metso Plus claims
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