

The work horse of the stockyard

Stackers are a dependable and reliable means of stacking large volumes of material efficiently and uniformly. Stackers are designed to feed material onto the stockpile and to distribute it in a controlled manner.

  • High capacity stockpiling
  • One operator can control all system functions, as well as oversee machine status and perform troubleshooting - either from a remote control room, or from a sensibly arranged, ergonomic operator’s cab
  • Operates in cold weather
  • Automatic pile management system

  • Efficient and automated stockpile management
  • Provides more live storage capacity
  • Rugged construction for dependability and reliability
How it works?


As material is unloaded from barges, ships, rail or conveyor transport, it is conveyed to the stacker which stacks material in uniform piles for future reclaiming.

Stackers are used where large volumes of material must be stacked efficiently and uniformly. 


  • Bulk ports and terminals
  • Coal-fired electric power stations
  • Any facility where efficient stockpile management of raw materials is essential.
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