Metso Mining Slurry handling Pumps condition monitoring service
The pumps condition monitoring service identifies issues early, preventing damage and unplanned downtime. Avoid costly breakdowns, reduce unnecessary maintenance, and enable efficient planning.
Maximizes uptime, reliability and cost efficiency
Optimizes operations and maintenance schedules
Improving water and energy efficiency
Digitalization for pumps

Digitalization can not only bring benefits to your pump, but also to your entire operation. 

  • Maximize pump performance by increasing productivity and availability
  • Reduce unplanned downtime through improved maintenance and scheduling
  • Improve safety
  • Avoid excess consumption and stocking of parts
  • Maximize reliability and cost efficiency
  • Eliminate recurrent failures by improving conditions or machinery
Digitalization for pumps


With systematic monitoring of condition parameters, you are able to detect pump problems, follow-up on any abnormal symptoms, and track trends of failure processes. The necessary parameters are acquired using reliable wireless sensors. Measurement and follow-up parameters are defined based on the technical characteristics of the pump and its probable failures. Metso expert analysts conduct detailed analyses that provide information for the diagnosis, prognosis, and the required maintenance actions. We offer inspections during operation and shutdown to support condition monitoring measurements and the elimination of conditions promoting failures.

Easy installation and access

Condition monitoring sensors are placed by using adhesive stamps in multiple locations on the pump, drive, etc. Gateway can be installed in a secure, safe location near the pump (e.g, on a beam) where power cables can be run. Using any laptop, the system can be set up from a safe distance. Condition monitoring app runs on any device from desktop computer to smartphone. Real time data is sent to your customized dashboard for up-to-date metrics. This allows to keep track of pumps performance even remotely and immediately react to changes. 

Sustainability benefits

Pumps Condition Monitoring Service ensures that your pumps are running at its best by identifying performance losses, wear and any abnormal conditions. Components that are worn excessively, compared to the optimized components, require more energy and utilize more water to meet the operational demands.

By making sure that the components are in optimal stage, you can also prevent excess wear on pump components and inlet areas. With optimal maintenance schedules extra parts are not creating unnecessary emissions.


Optimize energy consumption

Pump is running at optimal levels and not having to over-consume energy to meet production levels, compared to using excessively worn components.

Maximize water efficiency

Ensuring that sealing area components are not excessively worn optimizes the flow of water, compared to if the components were excessively worn more water is required to meet production levels.

Reduction in embedded carbon

Prevent excess wear on pump components and inlet areas, and with optimal maintenance schedules extra parts are not creating unnecessary emissions

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