Metso Automation Solutions
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Supporting your operations, from plant design expertise to equipment, parts and services for every stage of your process.
Are you looking to increase production, reduce risks, lower operating costs and enhance environmental performance? Then you are in the right place.
From the design and supply of products for a greenfield plant, to the addition of a single machine for an existing production line, we are here to help.
Rely on OEM experts because not all parts are created equal. Spare and wear parts built to perform.
Helping you get the most out of your equipment and processes.
Metso process control systems integrate globally well-known system platforms with functions specifically designed for mineral processing and metallurgical plants. We supply the process control system, electrification (MCC) and instrumentation as a preinstalled and tested package. With Process simulation, Plant Information Management System, Mini-Proscon® DCS and Proscon® PCS for Hydro, our process control systems improve process visibility leading to higher performance for your plant operations.
Metso Geminex is a metallurgical digital twin that combines operational data and expertise, delivering insight-driven performance that gives efficient management of variability in your mining and metallurgical operations. It creates an accurate functional digital model of the whole metallurgical process that is based on combined real data from both internal and external data sources, resulting in better recovery and process optimization.
Gain valuable experience of operating a process with continuously changing process conditions in a risk-free environment with the simulator-based advanced learning solution that is both time and cost-effective
Our advanced training simulator provides operators with hands-on operational experience that allows scenarios such as critical equipment failures or process start-up and shutdown sequences to be practiced safely and effectively.
Essential software toolkit for process research, development, design, and digitalization, as well as for estimating process efficiencies, yields, and environmental footprints.
Metso Performance Centers provide expert remote support through monitoring the online data from your site. Our team of equipment, process and technology experts helps you to stay ahead of problems and prevent them before they occur.
Our services feature:
The Metso Innovation Center is a platform that brings together the whole Metso portfolio in one central hub. It gives a comprehensive view of the entire value chain and unlocks the next levels of ideation, collaboration and innovation.
PSI® 1000 particle size analyzer
The PSI® 1000 particle size analyzer is designed for monitoring particle size distribution in various hydrometallurgical and chemical production, focusing on battery precursor materials. This system offers real-time analysis, allowing for immediate adjustments to maintain optimal production conditions.
Courier® HX on-stream solution analyzer
Get reliable automatic sampling with the Courier® HX analyzer. This high-performance on-stream solution analyzer ensures consistent sampling and analysis for hydrometallurgy process management and monitoring. This results in savings in assaying and metallurgical sampling costs, while ensuring repeatability for accurate analysis. Frequent sampling and analysis also contributes to a more stable process and rapid response capabilities for efficient control.
Courier® HX on-stream solution analyzer
Get reliable automatic sampling with the Courier® HX analyzer. This high-performance on-stream solution analyzer ensures consistent sampling and analysis for hydrometallurgy process management and monitoring. This results in savings in assaying and metallurgical sampling costs, while ensuring repeatability for accurate analysis. Frequent sampling and analysis also contributes to a more stable process and rapid response capabilities for efficient control.