Metso Full portfolio ACT advanced process control
Build customized control applications that allow you to stabilize and optimize everything from single-unit processes to plant-wide production.

Unique know-how and leading process tools to help you reach your sustainability targets

Improve productivity


Advanced control keeps production at an optimal level

Stay connected


The web-based user interface can be accessed from mobile & stationary devices

Increased stability


Less disturbance means less variance in process performance

Customize targets


Monitor, control & customize targets to suit your needs


The ACT platform is an advanced process control solution that can be connected to all existing plant control systems and builds on our extensive experience with advanced control solutions.

  • Increases process stability and performance
  • Enables more efficient utilization of the process
  • Uses an open and easy-to-learn system with process visualizations
  • Connects to all existing plant control systems
Advanced process control

The ACT platform consists of three main components: ACT Designer, ACT Engine, and the ACT User Interface. ACT Designer is a graphical design environment used to configure and implement all aspects of the advanced process control solution. ACT Engine executes multiple ACT applications and interfaces with the plant control system. The ACT User Interface is used to monitor and control the status of the ACT solution. The user interface is based on web technology and can be used on both mobile and stationary devices as required.

Advanced control applications bring stability to the process, as well as consistency to your plant's operation. Less disturbance means less variance in process performance. Higher availability leads to more efficient utilization of capital as equipment is used at full capacity all the time – while a good human operator can reach production levels close to optimal, a good system will keep production at an optimal level.

ACT Designer – design and tune your control strategy

ACT Designer is a graphical design environment used to configure and implement all aspects of the advanced process control solution, including control strategy, communications, testing, and operating interfaces. The control strategy is implemented using hierarchical reusable flowcharts, which have been designed to show the control logic, actions, and models used in the strategy at a glance.

For example, the control strategy for two or more independent processing lines can be implemented in a single reusable sub-strategy, which is then linked to each processing line. This reduces both the amount of work and the number of errors caused during implementation. The visual hierarchical implementation also ensures that the control logic is easily modularized.

ACT Engine – execute control applications and interface with your plant control system

ACT Engine executes multiple ACT applications and is run as a Windows service independent of the design environment and operator interface. ACT applications can also be run on multiple servers for redundancy or to split the workload, while still allowing central management and control design. ACT includes the following tools, all of which can be implemented as easily configurable flowchart blocks:

  • Logic execution with complex expressions
  • Data validation and filtering
  • Historical calculations
  • Advanced timing and delay handling
  • Linear regression models
  • Extended Kalman filter for complex soft sensors
  • Fuzzy logic

ACT functionality can be easily extended or customized by adding custom modules as ACT add-ins. The default communication interface between ACT and external systems is OPC.

ACT User Interface – monitor and set targets, limits, and other parameters

The ACT integrated operator user interface runs on the ACT server. It can be used to monitor and control the status of the ACT control solution and for basic administrative tasks. The ACT user interface is based on web technology and can be used on both mobile and stationary devices as required.

Because different control parameters such as target values or limits are usually managed by different users, users can create separate pages for different process areas and modules. The user interface design can be based on Outotec’s common UI components or customized to suit your needs.

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