Metso Full portfolio Air Slide
Increase burner and process performance with Metso's Outotec Air Slide technology. The system delivers feed material evenly at the outlet of the conveyor, which makes the burning of the concentrate/matte more efficient. Our air slide technology can also offer layout benefits due to its low space requirements.
Air Slide

In addition, operating and maintenance costs are lower compared to drag conveyors and operation is noise free.

  • Allows efficient and stable production
  • Gives you noise-free operation
  • Requires low maintenance
  • Results in high on-line time
Metso® Air Slide

Metso's Outotec Air Slide conveys solid feed to the concentrate or matte burner. Fluidization air, directed to the bottom of the air slide through a porous plate, ensures even and stable feed distribution.

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Services for Metso Concentrate Burner and Air Slide 481 kB
Services for Metso Concentrate Burner and Air Slide
481 kB
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