Metso Full portfolio Anode Furnace
Metso’s Outotec Anode Furnace is an efficient, flexible and sustainable solution for fire refining of copper. It combines the latest modern design features of the furnace with innovative processing media options. The Outotec Anode Furnace can be used for refining blister copper or melting and refining of high-grade secondary copper into anode copper suitable for the copper electrorefinery.
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  • Reduced OPEX due to efficient heating and processing
  • Reduced emissions
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Safety features to prevent high-consequence risks
  • Clean off-gases


  • The furnace mouth is fitted with cooling elements for longer lifetime and easy cleaning of mouth area
  • The riding rings are fastened with patented fastening system to reduce thermal stress
  • Tuyeres utilize a sturdy inner/outer pipe design to allow for longer pipe lifetime and easy exchange of pipes
  • In addition to traditional hydrocarbon reduction, Metso offers two innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse emissions:
    • H2-ready furnace variant, rigorously designed for hydrogen safety
    • SGRS (stream-gas reduction system), which combines gaseous hydrocarbon reductant and superheated steam to significantly improve the efficiency of the primary reductant
  • Drive unit features complete redundancy for operational security, integrated battery-based UPS system and wide range of operational speed adjustment to serve different process phases
  • Mechanical stoppers on rings prevent high-consequence leaks to factory floor by stopping freefall movement
  • Outotec Scrap Melting Furnace features additional hatches and burners for higher treatment capacity of high-grade copper


The Outotec Anode Furnace is supplied with all key equipment for operation of the furnace.

  • Vessel completely furnished with piping, rings, tuyeres and hatch
  • Support rollers & pinion
  • Drive unit and UPS system for rotation, including PLC and MCC
  • Burner, valve unit and BMS
  • Oxidation & Reduction valve unit for control of all processing gases
  • Cooling elements and continuously monitored cooling water header
  • Porous plugs (optional)
  • Off-gas hood or incinerator (optional)
  • Fluxing and additive system (optional)
  • Steam superheater (optional)

The furnace design is matched with customer needs in brown- and greenfield applications. Metso’s holistic competence in smelter process optimization and integration of automation systems ensures that the furnaces are seamlessly integrated into the processing chain. The delivery project combined with services and on-site support ensures a smooth commissioning and start-up.

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