A feed chute design that adds safety while improving serviceability and functionality at the same time. Our design features are proven to address the typical issues with feed chutes that often disrupt your business.


Reduce downtime

Upgrades help you minimize disruption and maximize uptime

Improve safety

Upgrades and liner lifting tools provide additional safety for workers

Simplify access

Upgrades help to simplify and speed up maintenance

Improved sustainability

Long-lasting liners, and less waste using WearSense online monitoring

Frequent challenges

Here at Metso, we aim to fix the common issues that our customers can often face. This includes replacing chute liners, uneven wear out in liners, un-optimized spout shape, ineffective spout sealing, chute leakage, and more. And of course, safety and sustainability are always primary concerns. Our features aim to reduce and prevent the occurrance of safety risks and address our customers' challenges head on.

mill feed chute
How does the Mill Feed Chute work?
For reduced downtime, improved safety and simplified access.
feed chute rock-box design
Rock-box design

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  • Deep design to provide rock-bed of material, which eliminates liner wear for bottom liners
  • Physical dimensions engineered to accept feed material
  • Heavy steel plate and beam fabrication
Removable chute cover

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The removable chute cover offers much easier and safer access for wear liner installation and replacement.

  • Reduces down-time by making liner changes faster
  • Bolted cover design
  • Integrated lifting lugs
  • Drop channel catches and directs spillage back into the chute
feed chute removable chute cover
liftx liner design upgrade
Liners and lifting tools

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Liner design upgrade

  • Longer life
  • Ease of replacement
  • Optimized flow

Features and benefits

  • Curved 3-piece design
  • Easy replacement, can be replaced without removing edge liners
  • Gridlock joints to prevent wash lines
  • Reduced waste
  • Reduced down-time
  • WearSense remote wear monitoring option

Liftx liner lifting tool for added safety

  • Easy to use wear liner lifting tool
  • Improves safety and can eliminate weld-on or cast lifting lugs

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Labyrinth or inflatable design for various mill configurations.

Inflatable Seal

Allows clearance for installation and maintenance, and quick inflation with air to seal the gap when feed chute is in place.

  • Can be used instead of a bolting flange for faster connection
  • Allows for slight deviation of flange surfaces

Labyrinth Seal

Adjustable alignment of feed chute upper section provides robust sealing solution while hinged front panel for easy retraction of feed chute without unbolting upper section.

  • Helps eliminate spillage and protects main bearing from slurry
feed chute sealing
feed chute access platform
Access platform

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Gives operators a safe and easy way to access the upper feed chute, inspect the rock-box and perform any maintenance in the area.

  • Safe and easy access to flange and seal for maintenance
  • Customizable based on customers needs.
Access hatch

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Optional add-on to offer an additional access point to the Rock-box for clean out and maintenance.

  • Easy access for maintenance
  • Located and placed as per customer request
feed chute access hatch
feed chute carriage alignment
Carriage & alignment

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Easy access for maintenance.


  • Sealed sleeve bearings
  • Counterweight box
  • Lateral beams for transport options

Trolley alignment features

  • Height adjustment shim packs with built-in jacking screws
  • Lateral alignment dowel pins
  • Trolley to mill engagement locking pins
  • Chute-trolley alignment aids
mill equipment transporter met
Mill Equipment Transporter (MET)

Mobile transporter to lift and position a fixed trolley

The MET is equipped with a variety of safety features to monitor loads and is backed by a comprehensive range of support services.

Visit the MET webpage here to learn more

Hydraulic features

Hydraulic power pack is integral to the trolley

  • Hydraulic system housed within the trolley and protected from spillage
  • Comes with a trailing cable for power supply


Hydraulic drive wheel assemblies

  • Each wheel assembly consists of a hydraulic drive and slew assembly to rotate and engage with both sets of rails
  • When the chute is in position, hydraulic jacks lift the wheels off the ground to prevent Brinelling damage to drives
  • Hydraulic jacks also raise the chute in order to rotate the wheels to engage with the transverse rails

Feed Chute features - List of improvements

Standard improvement
Optional improvement
Leak free upgraded Head Chute interface sealWinch - with winch connection provisions only
Improved access to feed box via a maintenance hatchOnboard drive - front and back movement only
Fixed access platform for easy access to head chute seal and access hatchesOnboard drive - front and back, lateral movement
Chute alignment aid features built-in to trolley designTransporter - provisions for lifting with transporter
Easy access to spout liners via removable spout coverHydraulic jacks/stands to relieve weight from wheels
Centralized flow by using curved linersRetractable carriage protects wheels while mill is running
Superior wear life using high performance wear materialsMO will design according to customer needs
Eliminate liner wash by incorporating Gridlock
Improved QHSE using dedicated lifting solutions
Mill feed chute brochure
Grinding process optimization and connected services
Explore our tools to aid in optimizing your circuit to increase throughput, availability, or reduce energy consumption.

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