Metso Full portfolio Fire Refining Process
Metso's Outotec Fire Refining Process offers low operational and maintenance costs due to our state-of-the-art technology and process control.
Fire Refining Process

Through high refining efficiency and low energy consumption the process enables smaller environmental emissions and increased operational flexibility.

  • Lowers energy consumption    
  • More efficient refining - decreases batch cycle time    
  • Cleaner off-gases
  • Increased flexibility - capable of handling blister that contains impurities (e.g., arsenic, antimony)
  • Improves scrap melting capacity - no need for additional melting furnaces

In Metso's Outotec Fire Refining Process, the hot blister copper is charged into an anode furnace for purification. The refining is carried out in batches where the necessary oxidation and reduction stages are used to purify the copper.

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Investing into a new e-scrap smelter – factors to consider On-demand webinar
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Metallurgy, key challenges and technical solutions in e-scrap smelting On-demand webinar
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