Metso Full portfolio Horizontal Mill Plant Units
Horizontal Mill Plant Units

Horizontal Mill Plant Units

Proven expertise, rapid execution

With proven expertise, Metso Horizontal Mill Plant Units offer complete support in grinding circuit selection, as well as execution, service and operation. Our pre-engineered modules provide a unique edge in delivering rapid, safe and optimized solution for grinding applications.

Proven & leading expertise

Several references that allow performance guarantees on entire grinding circuit

Simple & rapid execution

Pre-engineered solution that allows a single point of contact to support the entire life cycle

Safe & optimized operation

Guaranteed maintainability & automation controls that allow safe & efficient operation

Critical challenges when developing grinding circuits

Choosing the best solution for a grinding circuit can be a complex task. In addition to financial aspects, miners must also evaluate executional and operational factors involving a competent circuit completion.

  • How to deliver the best CAPEX and OPEX trade-off?
  • How to manage project execution with several stakeholders?
  • How to ensure safe and optimum grinding operation?

Metso is your preferred partner to provide an expert solution throughout the entire grinding journey.

Introducing Horizontal Mill Plant Units

Metso developed Horizontal Mill Plant Units to support grinding circuit selection, as well as circuit implementation. Our pre-engineered modules provide a unique edge in delivering rapid, safe and optimal solutions for many grinding applications.

We are a one-stop shop: from test work to flowsheet design; from equipment selection to execution and service support, each project scope is configured to specific requirements, greatly simplifying project management and execution. 

Horizontal Mill Plant Units

A full scope into a simple and economical solution

Metso offers industry leading technologies with state-of-the-design mills, slurry pumps, hydrocyclones and conveying equipment coupled with automation products, bringing the best possible combination to life. Flexible scope tailored according to project requirements: brownfield or greenfield, open or closed circuit. 





SelectTM mills *

MHCTM hydrocyclone

MD slurry pumps

Mill reline machine

Ball feeder



Process control automation

Proven plant and grinding process design

*Also flexible to Metso Premier mills

Grinding OptimizerTM

PSI® particle size analyzer






Digital Twin




Mill discharge sump

Hoses & knife-gate valves

E-room & building electrics

Mill liner removal tool

Air & ware systems

Piping & valves

Building steel modules





Grinding circuit O&M services**

Relining services

Grinding mill parts

Life cycle contracts


Liner optimization

Remote support

Grinding continuous optimization

Training programs

**Operation and maintenance


Horizontal mill plant units

Sustainable grinding technologies to help our planet

By adding Metso classification, pumping and automation technologies, your grinding solution aims to take sustainability to another level by optimizing the usage of energy, water, grinding media and consumables. 

  • Embedded smart instrumentation and advanced control to optimize throughput, i.e., more tons using less kWh.
  • Reduced sealing water consumption by pumps, while optimized process control enables less raw water usage.
  • Designed to high global safety standards by experts, ensuring safe operation and maintenance.
  • Engineered components for longer wear life, reducing consumables and unnecessary change-outs.

Metso Plus portfolio focuses on the most impactful technologies in our sustainable offering. To learn more click here.

Check the video
Grinding Optimizer
Increase the efficiency and performance by optimizing your entire grinding circuit - with the RockSense on-belt rock size analyzer, MillSense charge analyzer, and PSI particle size analyzer.

Ready for complete offering on liners and relining services

Metso has a complete portfolio of mill reline equipment, lining systems, parts and services that make us a one-stop-shop for each of your operational needs. With our service, you can ensure your mill is consistently running at optimal levels to further enhance your production.


Grinding mill services
Get the most out of your grinding circuit. Whether you are looking to minimize downtime, increase capacity, lower your cost per ton, or improve efficiency– we can support you.


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Stirred Mill Plant Units
Metso leads stirred milling innovations and continue to be the industry standard in performance.
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