Metso Full portfolio HSC Chemistry
Carry out thermodynamic and mineral processing calculations on a standard computer quickly and easily. Essential software toolkit for process research, development, design, and digitalization, as well as for estimating process efficiencies, yields, and environmental footprints.
HSC Chemistry
  • Develop new processes and improve existing ones through modeling and simulation
  • Develop process flowsheet models and test ideas prior to lab or pilot stages
  • Estimate the environmental footprint of processes for Life Cycle Assessment
  • Apply complex process theory in an easy-to-use format
  • Apply complex calculations in minutes
  • All the tools and databases you need in a single package


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HSC Chemistry

Make elements work for you

Every element has its own unique features and properties that determine how it behaves in chemical molecules, species, and processes. Metso HSC Chemistry helps you to understand, control, and master this behavior in chemical processes.

HSC is one of the first software packages to combine versatile chemical, thermodynamic, and mineral-processing features. Thermochemical calculations are useful, for example, when developing new chemical processes and improving existing ones. Because the software enables you to make quick and easy calculations using a standard computer, it has a wide range of educational, industrial, and research applications.

HSC also contains modules for mineral processing and particle calculations, which are integrated with an extensive mineral database. Modules and databases are accessed via a dynamic and fully customizable menu.

The latest HSC Chemistry software contains 24 calculation modules connected to 12 integrated databases.

NEW : Sim Model Optimization
  • New tool for model optimization.
  • Direct optimization of any cell reference in Sim model.
  • Four available algorithms: Monte-Carlo, PSO, Simplex, MFit (SQP).
NEW : Sim Model Optimization
NEW : Sim Model Convergence Monitor
  • New tool to finalize steady state calculations when convergence criteria are met.
  • Works for static models.
  • Variables: Mass, heat, or both.
  • An option is available to check the controls before completing the calculations.
NEW : Sim Model Convergence Monitor

Buy HSC Chemistry online

License types

Five different types of HSC Licenses are available. The HSC 10 license is based on subscription and all the end users of HSC 10 will receive new software versions as they are released. HSC 10 will stop working after each subscription period ends. Activation is done using an Internet connection, but an offline option is also available under certain circumstances.

Buy HSC online

For the most convenient way to buy a license, visit HSC Chemistry Webshop. We support all the major credit cards.

Please contact if you have any questions.

Type of license

User type

Company license

For commercial customers

Academic license

For universities and schools

Company/University Site license

Entitles the licensee to install HSC to all the computers within the same Company, Site, University or Department. However, the activation is available up to the given number of computers. This number may easily be increased later on, if necessary. A "Site" is defined as the physical address (single location) of the licensee.

Note: We reserve the right to change our product's prices and specifications at any time without further notice.

Support & Training


The HSC Chemistry license does not cover personal support on technical or chemical issues.


Need help with a specific chemical issue or calculation? The price and delivery time of the support depends on the case.

Please contact with the following details:

  • Chemical problem,
  • The chemical species and phases,
  • The HSC module which you have used.

Metso will send you a quotation on this basis.


End of HSC7 life cycle

We have ceased support for HSC7 and strongly recommend transitioning to the latest version, HSC10. Please contact for support with your migration process if needed.

Training courses

HSC Training courses help you to get more out of your HSC Chemistry software.

Public - HSC training courses are available annually in different countries depending on demand and HSC user feedback. All participants must bring their own laptop. The latest HSC version with a temporary license for 14 days will be installed in these laptops if needed.

On-Site - HSC training courses can be arranged for companies and universities. These private courses make it easier to focus on such confidential issues and process examples that are important for your organization. Course content may focus on hydro, pyro, or mineral processing applications depending on your requirements and lecturer expertise.

System requirements

Operating system

Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (recommended 64 bit)

Memory Recommended 6 GB or more
Disk space Minimum 4 GB

Version history

HSC Chemistry history

HSC is one of the first scientific software packages with versatile chemical, thermodynamic and mineral processing features. Timo Talonen created the first HSC module in 1974 to calculate equilibrium compositions in the Outokumpu Oyj sulfur plant gas line. Dr. Antti Roine started HSC digital database development at the Helsinki University of Technology in 1979. Since then, he has managed the HSC development. Development of HSC mineral processing modules was started by prof. Pertti Lamberg in 1990.

The HSC software development was started because there was not such software packages available in 1970s and 1980s. Originally, HSC was developed as an internal tool for Outokumpu Oyj to improve chemical process R&D efficiency. Later on, in 1987, delivery to other companies began.

The development of software and databases has been done in co-operation with several universities including the Helsinki University of Technology (Aalto), Åbo Akademi, Petrozavodsk State University, Luleå University of Technology, University of Kentucky, Montana Tech, the University of Missouri-Rolla, the University of Turku, the University of Jyväskylä, Tallinn Technical University, the Technical University of Lappeenranta, the University of Oulu and the University of Joensuu.

Outokumpu Oyj founded a new company Outotec Oyj in 2006, based on Outokumpu Oyj technology business activities and IPR. The ownership of HSC Chemistry was also transferred to Outotec Oyj.

Operating system
Comment / New modules
1974HSC 0.110FortranFirst Equilibrium module Gibbs
1979HSC 0.201UnixHP BasicH, S, and Cp Database
1980HSC 0.311UnixHP BasicRoutine for activity coefficient calculations
1981HSC 0.421UnixHP BasicReaction Equation module 
1983HSC 0.521UnixHP BasicHeat Balance module
1986HSC 0.6210001IBM DOS 3QB 1
1987HSC 0.7224001IBM DOS 3QB 2
1987HSC 0.7324001IBM DOS 3QB 3Delivery to other companies started
1989HSC 0.8446001IBM DOS 4QB 4.5Gibbs and MW modules integrated to HSC
1992HSC 1.0756001Windows 3.1VB2/C++Cell, PSD and EpH modules added
1993HSC 1.1756001Windows 3.1VB3/C++
1994HSC 2.0776001Windows 3.1VB3/C++
1997HSC 3.07110001Windows 95, NT 4VB5/C++
1999HSC 4.013150002Windows 98, NT 4VB6/C++Diagrams, Tpp, Conversions, Periodic Chart, Units
2002HSC 5.015170005Windows XP, NT 4VB6/C++HeatLoss, Water, Excel Add-Ins, Help
2006HSC 6.0192000011Windows XP, NT 4VB6/C++New Sim, Geo, Data, and Map modules
2009HSC 7.0222500012Windows XP, VistaVB6/C++New Aqua module, improved Sim
2011HSC 7.1222500012Windows XP, VistaVB6/C++More robust modules
2014HSC 8.0242800012Windows 7,8.NET/C++All modules rewritten to Windows 7 and 8

2015HSC 8.1242800012Windows 7,8.NET/C++More robust modules
2015HSC 8.2242800012Windows 7,8.NET/C++More robust modules
2015HSC 9.0242800012Windows 7,8,10.NET/C++Subscription, new features
2017HSC 9.4242847712Windows 7, 8, 10.NET/C++New Navigator module, Thermoeconomics
2018HSC 9.6242847713Windows 7, 8, 10.NET/C++Dynamic simulation, new Data module with NN
2018HSC 9.8242856913Windows 7, 8, 10.NET/C++Speed optimization, Sim with NN engine
2019HSC 9.9242856913Windows 7, 8, 10.NET/C++More robust modules

HSC Chemistry video tutorial

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HSC Chemistry License Conditions 0.18 MB
What's new in HSC Chemistry 10 1.5 MB
HSC Chemistry installation 0.63 MB
HSC Chemistry Public Courses 2024 1.9 MB
HSC Chemistry literature references 0.44 MB
HSC Chemistry License Conditions
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What's new in HSC Chemistry 10
1.5 MB
HSC Chemistry installation
0.63 MB
HSC Chemistry Public Courses 2024
1.9 MB
HSC Chemistry literature references
0.44 MB
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