Metso Full portfolio HSC Chemistry HSC add-in functions

HSC add-in functions

With HSC Add-In Functions it is possible to use the HSC database and functions directly under HSC spreadsheet editors as well as under MS Excel.

HSC Add-in Functions

HSC Add-In functions make it possible to carry out thermochemical and mineralogical calculations in Excel spreadsheets. More than 60 different add-in functions are available.

In the HSC Sim calculation module, these add-in functions turn unit models into “small HSC engines”. For example, the StreamH function returns the enthalpy of the stream, and the StreamG function returns the stream Gibbs energy. The StreamEQ function may be used to calculate the equilibrium composition for given raw materials and temperature.

HSC Add-in Functions
HSC Add-in Functions


User manual 348 kB
User manual
348 kB
Read more about HSC Chemistry software