Metso Full portfolio Inclined plate settlers
IPS Series inclined plate settlers using the lamella principle are replacing conventional clarifying and thickening methods in dewatering and water treatment. At this stage in mineral processing the goal is to avoid wasting water and minimize environmental impact. The IPS equipment has proven to provide maximum recovery rates and a decreased plant footprint for a wide range of applications.

Lower environmental impact

Increased water recovery, reduced mine tailings waste and up to 10% less chemicals used

Reduced plant footprint

Compact and efficient design reduces plant footprint by up to 85% 

Increased uptime

Robust design, maximized throughput and ease of maintenance

Lower costs

Decreased CAPEX and up to 10% lower OPEX cost 

Metso inclined plate settlers (IPS) - Enabling economic and environmental sustainability

Metso inclined plate settlers (IPS) uses a unique lamella principle, which has proven to be more efficient and sustainable than conventional clarifying and thickening methods in water treatment and dewatering. The lamella principle the Metso IPS use involves several parallel inclined plates to maximize the available floor area. The size and costs of the gravity settler (IPS) can be minimized by matching the thickening and clarifying requirements thoroughly.

Metso's inclined plate settlers (IPS) is a proven compact sedimentation and dewatering solution. Metso’s IPS offers good clarity of the overflow liquid and maximum density of the underflow solids discharge with minimum space requirements. Easy to install, relocate and adapt to process changes with a wide product offering for a range of applications, the Metso IPS offers maximum return on investment to customers. 

Reduced plant footprint

Saving space in a plant is key to maximize space, reduce and simplify the needed planning, but most importantly will be a cost saver. In comparison to conventional thickening and clarifying equipment, the Metso inclined plate settlers (IPS) provide up to a 85% smaller plant footprint.

The design of the parallel inclined plates allows the equipment to be constructed vertically instead of increasing the area needed. Even with Metso's newer IPS model designs there is a significant reduction in floor space without sacrificing results.

Increased uptime

Metso IPS has a robust design with the unique lamella principle allows gravity to aid in increasing uptime. As the slurry is transferred into the IPS the vertical design allows for maximum throughput with minimal disturbances in the flow.

The robust design comes from the heavy duty construction of the tank, sludge hopper and inclined plate pack. The wide density of inclined plates are specifically designed for no short circuiting causing the need for maintenance. The feed ports are also designed for creating an optimum ratio between the clarification and thickening area.

Metso inclined plate settlers (IPS) are also known to have reduced installation time so the equipment can be put into operation faster. 

Lower environmental impact

Metso inclined plate settlers (IPS) focuses on environmental impact and reducing that as much as possible. Avoiding water wastage is one of the key goals and being able to reduce tailings mine waste. With up to 10% less chemicals used in the Metso inclined plate settlers (IPS) will make water recirculation and recovery easier.

A smaller foundation and floor space requirement converts into less construction to the environment needed when building the plant. The IPS is easily insultated against heat loss or toxic fume emissions reducing pollution levels. 

The increasing of compact sedimitation and dewatering allows for safer disposal and less tailings mine waste downstream. 

Lower costs

Metso inclined plate settlers (IPS) proves to reduce costs compared to conventional technology. Decreased CAPEX derives from smaller floor space and foundation requirements, and easier planning and construction due to the square design. The IPS is also delivered as a one-piece unit or fabricated sections compared to conventional on-site labor costs for dramatic assembly.  

OPEX reduces by up to 10% compared to conventional technology. The Metso inclined plate settlers (IPS) are flexible throughout operation with adaptability and easy relocation if needed. Metso's IPS performs a cost-efficient operation and provides up to 70% saving energy consumption compared to conventional thickeners and clarifiers becoming a large OPEX cost saver.


Check the video
3D animation of Metso IPS

Designed to minimize the environmental impact on site, Metso's IPS is a proven and a compact sedimentation and dewatering solution.

Featuring the unique lamella principle, it allows improved process performance, smaller plant footprint, lower installation costs, bringing improved profitability.

Tailings Management

Tailings management in the mining industry has become a very popular topic. But with all this discussion there has not been a defined practice that is changing the industry. Metso has recognized this and is leading the way in tailings management. At Metso, we see dry tailings has the future of the mining industry. No other original equipment manufacturer (OEM) can match the capabilities that Metso has that will provide future-ready tailings management solutions.

See the the entire Metso Tailings Management solutions offering and see why Metso is leading the way in tailings management.


Max height mm (ft) 
L mm (ft)
W mm (ft)
A mm (ft)
Total volume mm³ (ft³)
Sludge volume mm³ (ft³) 
Flocculator volume mm³ (ft³) 
Weight (empty) kg (lbs)
LTO 153 485 (11.4)2 640 (8.7)1 345 (4.4)1 800 (5.9)4.4 (162)1.1 (39)0.8 (28)1 800 (3 968)
LTO 304 300 (14.1)3 430 (11.3)1 830 (6.0)1 800 (5.9)9.2 (325)2.3 (81)0.8 (28)3 500 (7 716)
LTO 504 650 (15.3)3 865 (12.7)2 230 (7.3)1 800 (5.9)16.2 (572)4.2 (148)2.0 (71)4 800 (10 582)
LTO 1005 400 (17.7)4 510 (14.8)2 870 (9.4)1 800 (5.9)28.7 (1 014)9.4 (332)3.0 (106)7 800 (17 196)
LTO 1505 950 (19.5)5 540 (18.2)3 100 (10.2)1 800 (5.9)41.5 (1 466)14.5 (512)4.0 (141)10 500 (23 149)
LTO 2006 500 (21.3)5 740 (18.8)3 690 (12.1)1 800 (5.9)54.6 (1 928)18.8 (664)5.0 (177)13 200 (29 101)
LTO 3508 100 (26.6)6 910 (22.7)4 500 (14.8)2 000 (6.6)105.8 (3 736)47.8 (1 688)7.0 (247)24 300 (53 572)
LTO 5008 630 (28.3)7 810 (25.6)5 780 (19.0)2 000 (6.6)160.8 (5 679)72.8 (2 571)8.0 (283)39 500 (87 082)


Max height mm (ft) 
L mm (ft)
W mm (ft)
A mm (ft)
Total volume mm³ (ft³)
Sludge volume mm³ (ft³) 
Flocculator volume mm³ (ft³) 
Weight (empty) kg (lbs)
LTO 153 485 (11.4)2 640 (8.7)1 345 (4.4)1 800 (5.9)4.4 (162)1.1 (39)0.8 (28)1 800 (3 968)
LTO 304 300 (14.1)3 430 (11.3)1 830 (6.0)1 800 (5.9)9.2 (325)2.3 (81)0.8 (28)3 500 (7 716)
LTO 504 650 (15.3)3 865 (12.7)2 230 (7.3)1 800 (5.9)16.2 (572)4.2 (148)2.0 (71)4 800 (10 582)
LTO 1005 400 (17.7)4 510 (14.8)2 870 (9.4)1 800 (5.9)28.7 (1 014)9.4 (332)3.0 (106)7 800 (17 196)
LTO 1505 950 (19.5)5 540 (18.2)3 100 (10.2)1 800 (5.9)41.5 (1 466)14.5 (512)4.0 (141)10 500 (23 149)
LTO 2006 500 (21.3)5 740 (18.8)3 690 (12.1)1 800 (5.9)54.6 (1 928)18.8 (664)5.0 (177)13 200 (29 101)
LTO 3508 100 (26.6)6 910 (22.7)4 500 (14.8)2 000 (6.6)105.8 (3 736)47.8 (1 688)7.0 (247)24 300 (53 572)
LTO 5008 630 (28.3)7 810 (25.6)5 780 (19.0)2 000 (6.6)160.8 (5 679)72.8 (2 571)8.0 (283)39 500 (87 082)


Settling area  m2 (ft2)
Tank diameter mm (ft)
Tank height mm (ft)
Sludge volume m3 (ft3)
Total volume m3 (ft3)
LTE 220-6.3220 (2 386)6 300 (20.7)

6 000 (19.7)

86 (3 040)

192 (6 780)

LTE 220-6.3220 (2 386)6 300 (20.7)

9 000 (29.5)

179 (6 320)

285 (10 065)

LTE 275-7.1275 (2 960)7 100 (23.3)

6 000 (19.7)

110 (3 885)

244 (8 629)

LTE 275-7.1275 (2 960)7 100 (23.3)

9 000 (29.5)

228 (8 050)

363 (12 820)

LTE 440-8.2440 (4 736)8 300 (27.0)

6 000 (19.7)

151 (5 335)

335 (11 830)

LTE 440-8.2440 (4 736)8 300 (27.0)

9 000 (29.5)

314 (11 090)

497 (17 550)

LTE 440-8.2440 (4 736)8 300 (27.0)

12 000 (39.4)

476 (16 810)

660 (23 310)

LTE 550-9.0

550 (5 920)

9 000 (29.5)

6 000 (19.7)

179 (6 320)

395 (13 950)

LTE 550-9.0

550 (5 920)

9 000 (29.5)

9 000 (29.5)

370 (13 065)

586 (20 695)

LTE 550-9.0

550 (5 920)

9 000 (29.5)

12 000 (39.4)

561 (19 810)

777 (27 440)

LTE 800-10.5800 (8 611)10 500 (34.4)

6 000 (19.7)

246 (8 690)

541 (19 105)

LTE 800-10.5800 (8 611)10 500 (34.4)

9 000 (29.5)

506 (17 870)

801 (28 290)

LTE 800-10.5800 (8 611)10 500 (34.4)

12 000 (39.4)

766 (27 050)

1 060 (37 435)

LTE 11401 140 (12 270)12 000 (39.4)

6 000 (19.7)

326 (11 510)

710 (25 705)

LTE 11401 140 (12 270)12 000 (39.4)

9 000 (29.5)

665 (23 480)

1 050 (37 080)

LTE 11401 140 (12 270)12 000 (39.4)

12 000 (39.4)

1 004 (35 455)

1 389 (49 050)



Settling area  m2 (ft2)
Tank diameter mm (ft)
Tank height mm (ft)
Sludge volume m3 (ft3)
Total volume m3 (ft3)
LTE/C 220-6.3220 (2 368)6 300 (20.7)8 500 (27.9)66 (2 330)172 (6 075)
LTE/C 275-7.1275 (2 960)7 100 (23.3)10 000 (33.0)91 (3 215)225 (7 945)
LTE/C 440-8.3440 (4 736)8 300 (27.2)11 000 (36.0)140 (4 945)324 (11 440)
LTE/C 550-9.0550 (5 920)9 000 (29.5)11 500 (37.7)175 (6 180)391 (13 810)
LTE/C 800-10.5800 (8 611)10 500 (34.4)12 500 (41.0)269 (9 500)563 (19 880)
LTE/C 1040-121 140 (11 194)12 000 (39.4)13 500 (44.3)392 (13 845)776 (27 405)


Settling area  m2 (ft2)
Tank diameter mm (ft)
Tank height mm (ft)
*Sludge volume m3 (ft3)
Total volume m3 (ft3)
LTC 11401 140 (12 270)12 000 (39.4)Min. 8 050 (26.4)345 (12 185)710 (25 075)
LTC 15001 500 (161 145)12 500 (41.0)Min. 8 400 (27.6)330 (11 655)715 (25 250)
LTC 15001 500 (161 145)15 000 (49.2)Min. 9 465 (31.1)620 (21 895)1 180 (41 670)
LTC 1900/2200

1 900/2 200

(20 450/23 680)

15 000 (49.2)Min. 9 465 (31.1)620 (21 895)1 180 (41 670)
LTC 2300/2700

2 300/2 700

(24 755/29 060)

16 500 (54.1)Min. 8 400 (28.0)705 (24 895)1 345 (47 500)
LTC 2300/2700

2 300/2 700

(24 755/29 060)

16 5000 (54.1)Min. 10 100 (33.1)760 (26 840)1 445 (51 030)
LTC 34503 450/ 37 13518 000 (59.1)Min. 10 305 (33.8)900 (31 785)1 735 (61 270)
LTC 34503 450/37 13518 000 (59.1)Min. 8 600 (28.2)875 (30 900)1 635 (57 740)
LTC 43004 300 (46 285)21 000 (98.9)Min. 9 485 (31.1)1 170 (41 320)2 320 (81 930)
LTC 5250/5400

5 250/5 400

(56 510/58 125)

24 000 (78.7)Min. 10 515 (34.5)1 720 (60 740)3 095 (109 300)
LTC 5250/5400

5 250/5 400

(56 510/58 125)

24 000 (78.7)Min. 9 050 (29.7)1 590 (56 150)2 970 (104 885)

Case studies, blogs & webinars

Thickener customer cases See how our customers around the world have achieved success and increased sustainability with our thickener offering.
Thickener blogs Want to broaden your knowledge of efficient, sustainable thickener practices? These blogs are for you.
Enabling economic and environmental sustainability with IPS
In this webinar, we will focus on the IPS Series inclined plate settlers, which use the lamella principle to provide maximum recovery rates and a decreased plant footprint for a wide range of applications.

Metso Inclined Plate Settlers (IPS)

Metso Inclined Plate Settler (IPS) - Brochure 2.17 MB
Metso Inclined Plate Settler (IPS) - Brochure
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