Metso Full portfolio Kaldo L Furnace
Flexible solution for smelting and converting various primary and secondary raw materials with the highest environmental performance and operational flexibility.
High recovery of metals
Efficient handling and short process time
Long equipment lifetime
Substantial references globally

Kaldo L Furnace

Metso’s Outotec® Kaldo L Furnace - which is the 4th generation Top Blown Rotary Converter - utilizes the vast experience from previous TBRCs in the steel and the nonferrous industries. Kaldo L is a heavy-duty furnace with smooth movement, and is designed to achieve maximum efficiency for melting and processing of several different materials. The technology is supported from processes and equipment in symbiosis. The system is a part of Metso Plus portfolio, which highlights offerings that contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Metso's Outotec Kaldo L Furnace is a flexible solution for smelting and converting various primary and secondary raw materials such as concentrates, copper scrap, e-waste, and precious metals anode slimes. It is equipped with advanced charging and off-gas systems, thus allowing a very compact plant layout and operational flexibility.

The process with smelting, reducing, and converting can be performed in a single vessel.

The system is fully encapsulated by a furnace casing, thus facilitating ventilation of the whole section, including the ladle car below the furnace. Stray emissions are prevented, resulting in a safe working environment. An advanced hydraulic system allows smooth and safe control of any movement. The heating and converting processes are performed by introducing water-cooled lances mounted in lance wagons with a hydraulic drive. A Multi-Purpose Utility Lance can also be introduced for temperature control and refractory wear measurement. The cooling system is equipped with a safety system to prevent water leakages into the vessel. In case of a system malfunction, an internal energy accumulator will automatically move lances out from the vessel and allow a tilting of the vessel to empty the melt into ladles. Material is introduced to the vessel by one of several systems, depending on the process. Process control from the operator panel and control room with an advisor system is possible to assist the operator.

Metso’s Outotec Kaldo has been successfully used in the precious metals, copper, and lead processing industries for decades and represents the best available TBRC technology for this purpose. Metso has continuously developed the Kaldo Furnace since the 1970s and has substantial references globally. A Pilot plant TBRC Kaldo L is available for tests where customers can verify and validate materials and processes before making important decisions.

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Main features

  • Technology and equipment optimized for the need, allowing processing of various primary and secondary raw materials
  • Trunnion ring with slewing bearing for flexible use, less wear onto critical items and a quick and easy replacement of the vessel
  • Advanced hydraulic system for smooth and safe control including emergency system for movement of lances and tilting of the vessel in any malfunction
  • Lance system with up to 3 lances and supporting valve racks
    • Water cooled NG burner lance 
    • Auto ignition and flame monitoring
    • High efficiency supersonic converter lance with oxygen enriched air and water cooling
    • Utility lance
  • Process control system with a modern interface for equipment and plant control
  • Plant solutions or stand alone equipment for Global business
  • Process calculation supported by HSC-Sim
  • IPRs for Equipment and Technology
Delivery scope
Delivery scope
  • Batch furnace, 0,2m³ to 20m³
  • Lance system for varying capacities
  • Hydraulic Power Unit
  • Valve racks for cooling, NG burner and converter system
  • Process Control systems
  • Various charging systems
  • Gas uptake
  • Casing
  • Ladle train
  • Refractories
  • Spare packages
  • Installation supervision, commissioning, and lifecycle services
  • Technology packages with experienced knowhow

Technical data

Kaldo m³
Trunnion, Frame capacity m³
Rotation speed rpm
Tilting rpm
Overhead crane capacity, min Ton
Overhead crane, min lifting height m
Approx. Burner MW
Converter Nm³/h
Read more about the Kaldo process


Brochure: Kaldo L Furnace (EN) 1.51 MB
Brochure: Kaldo L Furnace (EN)
1.51 MB
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