Metso Full portfolio Marconaflo Slurry Systems
Marconaflo Slurry Systems

Marconaflo Slurry Systems

Making tailings management practical with a strong legacy in slurry handling

Marconaflo Slurry Systems is an asset to help addressing the decommissioning of legacy dams and lead transformation towards dry tailing management. Fitting your existing containment area configuration, it pulps efficiently and economically either dry or wet solids, converting them to suitable form for slurry transport.

Increased safety

Remote recovery of containment area reduces risks

Less labor and power per ton

Results in substantial savings in power required for transport

Lower environmental impact

Reduces hazard risks associated with dam failure or water scarcity

Versatile application

Adapted to various containment types and materials

An important step in sustainable & socially responsible tailings management

Driven growing volumes of tailings, the mining industry is seeking sustainable solutions and strategies to address rising risks and costs, compliance and increasing global resource footprint. The risk of tailing dam failure could be completely avoided with earlier pond reclamation. Metso with its strong legacy in slurry technology, makes tailing management practical.

Operations improvement

No matter what the containment, and no matter what the material, the efficiency of a re-pulping operation depends on the velocity and volume of water hitting the settled mass of material. Success of the Marconaflo Slurry Systems is based on the versatility of the Marconajet nozzle in creating a jet stream of appropriate diameter and intensity in a variety of situations. It reduces slimes, water use, and pumping requirements, in addition to employing the full capacity of the storage tank in which it is installed.

Versatile piece of equipment

Each Marconaflo Slurry System installed has been designed and engineered to the individual specifications of the client. Flexibility allows Marconaflo Slurry Systems to be used in place of thickeners, agitated storage vessels or other conventional labor-intensive material handling methods at substantial savings. Each has been based on detailed laboratory analysis of variables affecting the design as well as Metso's extensive knowledge of practical application.

Safety in the core of everything we do

Marconaflo Slurry Systems is an asset to help address the decommissioning of legacy dams and lead transformation towards dry tailing management. Metso’s safety-compliant design reduces site workers’ risk exposure at all stages of the recovery process from operations to maintenance. Replacing potentially risky practices with a positive value creation model enables future ready opportunities for various containment types and materials.


Marconaflo slurry systems

Marconaflo Slurry Systems currently handle the following materials:

  • Coal, ilmenite, uranium, mineral concentrates (iron and nickel);
  • Ore, potash, sand, silt, slimes, sludge and tailings.

Marconaflo Slurry Systems are suitable for the following containments:

  • Barges, bins, bunkers, excavations, lakes, landfills, ponds, reservoirs, silos, ships and tanks.


Height (ft.)81021
Weight (lbs.)2500500012000
Nom. slurry cap. range (GPM)500 - 14001300 - 40003000 - 8000
High pressure water (GPM)270 - 700600 - 20001800 - 6000
High presseure water HP, based on 250 PSI75 - 150125 - 450400 - 1250
Short tons per hour (STPH)90 - 260240 - 550530 - 1450
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