Metso Full portfolio Mineral Wool Furnace

Mineral Wool Furnace

The Metso’s Outotec® Mineral Wool Furnace enables decarbonization of the mineral wool industry by providing a fossil-fuel free alternative to coal or gas-fired cupola furnaces. The melting furnace, which is part of the Metso Plus offering, is based on proven proprietary equipment and designed to meet the specific requirements of the mineral wool production process.
  • Supports the decarbonization of the mineral wool production process
  • Based on proven, state-of-the-art proprietary equipment
  • Equipment design enables high plant availability and long furnace campaign life
  • Designed for safe furnace operation
  • Can be integrated into existing production lines
  • Modular design that is easy to tailor for individual applications
  • Modular design enables conversion of existing production lines to fossil-free operation
  • Key technologies based on numerous proven commercial references in various ferroalloy and non-ferrous applications
    • Water-cooled roof and shell
    • Electrode equipment
    • Furnace refractories
    • Electrode sealing
    • Sentinel cooling headers
    • Process automation
  • Digital tools such as process advisor and digital twin to optimize operation
  • Plant solution can be complemented with gas cleaning system and other proprietary technology
Rock wool furnace right view
Process with Metso's Outotec® Mineral Wool Furnace
Process with Metso's Outotec® Mineral Wool Furnace


Leaflet: Mineral Wool Furnace (EN) 275 kB
Leaflet: Mineral Wool Furnace (EN)
275 kB
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