NW Series™ NW550GP™ portable cone crusher plant

NW Series™ NW550GP™ portable cone crusher plant

The NW Series™ NW550GP™ portable cone crusher is a wheel-mounted, electrically powered secondary crushing unit equipped with an efficient, versatile and economical Nordberg® GP cone crusher.


Suitable for secondary and tertiary crushing and screening applications such as limestone, granite, and basalt

Electrically powered

Efficient crushing and screening with electrically powered engine

Portable crushing unit

Wheel-mounted chassis enables high-mobility between sites

Safe and easy to operate and maintain

Easy and safe access to service platforms

Portable crusher plant with efficient and versatile GP cone crusher

The NW Series™ NW550GP™ portable cone crusher plant is a unit for secondary crushing. It is equipped with a wheel mounted chassis which gives the crusher high mobility between crushing sites.

Efficient Nordberg® cone crusher

NW550GP™ features the efficient, versatile and economical Nordberg® series™ GP550 cone crusher which is suitable for even the toughest of hard rock materials. It can also be adapted to different requirements with adjustments such as change of cavities, eccentric strokes, counter shaft speeds and different control methods being possible. This makes it a versatile choice for different types of crushing operations.

Safe and easy to operate and maintain

The crusher is safe and easy to operate and maintain. Design features such as spacious and high accessibility service platforms make the daily operations and maintenance of the unit safe, easy, and quick.


  • High capacity and good shape of end-products
  • Various applications with the same unit
  • Wheel-mounted chassis enables re-location between sites



NW550GP™ portable cone crusher plant’s technical specifications

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