Improved operator performance
Increased throughput of the converters
Enabling process predictability and optimization
Increased safety and sustainability
Seamless integration and service
Service with online expert support

Real time estimates for temperatures, masses and compositions
Enhanced quality of information for operator decision making
Reduced copper losses to the slag
Enhanced planning of the production process
Optimized usage of process additives
Enables more consistent operation across shifts
Advises operator for optimal slag and copper blow
Optimized revert consumption
Less refractory consumption
Extended campaign life
Consistent operation in safe operating window
Integration library to connect site PCS, Laboratory and Plant Information reporting systems
Compatible with any Peirce Smith copper converter
Process model can be tailored to each plant
Training and commissioning support available to ensure smooth start-up
Service support available through cyber secure remote tools
Process expert support to maximize the benefits of PSC Advisor solution
Product expert support for troubleshooting
User interface and system diagram