Metso Full portfolio RCS™ flotation machines
RCS™ flotation machines

RCS™ flotation machines

Maximum ore recovery at the desired grade

Many challenges can be faced in your flotation process and any recovery losses have an impact in the long run. RCS™ flotation machines provide technology to adapt to metallurgical variability in the ore being processed and overcome flotation challenges to build the optimal solution.

Optimized energy consumption

Metso technology and design provides energy efficient flotation

Enhanced performance

Up to 20% increase in ore recovery

Reduced OPEX

Extended wear life and robust impeller design

Ease of maintenance

One-piece mechanism removal and modular dart valves

RCS™ flotation machines - Versatile solution offering maximum recovery at the desired grade

Optimal mineral recovery in a flotation circuit depends on the capacity to adapt to metallurgical variability in the ore being processed. Recognizing the need for a solution that addresses these challenges, Metso has made several advances in flotation design and technology.

Combining the benefits of circular cells with the unique features of the DV mechanism, the RCS™ (Reactor Cell System) flotation technology has been developed to create ideal conditions to maximize flotation performance for all roughing, cleaning and scavenging duties. The cell can be modified to handle high density slurries.

Enhanced performance

Metso RCS™ flotation machines have made several advances in flotation design and technology.

Maximize bubble-particle contact within the mechanism and the flotation tank leads to enhanced performance. Effective air dispersion and distribution throughout the cell volume helps in smooth froth surface and removal.

Efficient air and level control

Our RCS™ flotation machines are built with efficient air and level controls with controlled aeration rate at each cell. The pneumatically operated dart valves help in effective pulp level control followed by accurate measurement with ultrasonic level sensor and float.

Innovative tank design

Metso offers the innovative circular tank concept to minimize slurry short circuiting as well as simplifying froth handling process. The compact and modular design proves to be very beneficial for quick construction, shipment and installation. Our internal dart valves also help to minimize footprint requirements.

Reduced OPEX

Metso RCSflotation machines have extended wear life due to minimized local high velocity zones inside the tank. Impellers and diffusors supplied in high abrasion-resistant elastomers, and the impeller profile is design to minimize adsorbed power.

DV flotation mechanism

DV (Deep Vane) flotation mechanism design improves air dispersion and bubble size distribution.

The mechanism design produces powerful radial slurry pumping to the cell wall and gives strong return flows to the underside of the impeller to minimize sanding. Additionally, it is the only mechanism to give maximum slurry recirculation to the upper part of the impeller.

Ease of maintenance

Metso RCS flotation machines are built for easy maintenance. Wear parts are easily replaceable during operation.

The modular dart valve design provides flexibility to capacity changes without disturbances. Full suspension of the DV mechanism from the cell superstructure leads to very simplified routine maintenance. Along with our robust design, the RCS™ flotation machines are built to work for you!

Unified regrind solutions

Metso RCS™ flotation machines also are found as an essential piece to a regrind circuit. Rougher cells extract majority of the valuable mineral from the fresh ore. Meanwhile, scavenger cells are going to capture the remaining valuable mineral.

Unified regrind solutions

Take flotation optimization to the next level with the latest FrothSense+™ technology and capability. This new system combines the best features of two legacy products: FrothSense™ and VisioFroth™. It is a tool for froth surface analysis providing real-time measurements and statistics.

FrothSense+ uses artificial intelligence with deep learning algorithms to detect such flotation properties as froth velocity and direction, froth depth, bubble size distribution, stability and collapse rate, cell lip visible warning, bubble loading, color, brightness and texture.

Value calculators & recommender tools



Metso RCS brochure (EN) 2.64 MB
Metso RCS brochure (EN)
2.64 MB
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