Metso Full portfolio Training simulator
The Metso training simulator for iron ore pelletizing plants enables training and certification of operators in a risk-free virtual plant environment.

Ensure personnel is familiar with standard operating procedures and ready to react quickly to both changes in process conditions and emergency situations. Achieve and maintain a high level of operator competence

Reduce the risk of accidents and damage to assets

Improve process performance, productivity, and product quality

Reduce operational and maintenance costs

Training simulator

The simulator provides comprehensive, realistic training to ensure that personnel can operate your processes safely and efficiently. Training can be tailored to simulate different operating conditions, standard procedures, emergency situations, and any other operational scenarios.

The simulator enables operators to familiarize themselves with plant operational procedures, learn how to react to changes in process conditions or raw materials, and train for standard procedures. Scenarios can be run at an accelerated speed to make training on longer procedures less time consuming.


Training simulator

On-demand webinar series: Digital solutions for iron ore pelletzing plants

Pallet Car Condition Monitoring & Green Pellet size Control for improving performance of iron ore pelletizing processes
Metals refining
Maximizing your ROI by optimizing production cost with Advanced Process Control System & Training Simulator
Metals refining


Brochure: Digital solutions for iron ore pelletizing plants (EN) 1.53 MB
Brochure: Digital solutions for iron ore pelletizing plants (EN)
1.53 MB
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