SmartTag ore tracking

SmartTag ore tracking

Real-time ore tracking from mine to plant and beyond

All stages of a mining operations are influenced by ore characteristics. The SmartTag™ system tracks ore from the mine through the process, allowing ore characteristics to be correlated with important operating parameters in the mine and processing plant. These parameters can then be adjusted and optimized for different ore types to increase profitability.

Unique know-how and leading process tools to help you reach your sustainability targets

Intelligent tracking system

Unique Real-time ore tracking from mine to the processing plant and beyond

Increase performance

By implementing pro-active plant control based on incoming ore type.

Process optimization

Link the physical properties of the ore in the mine to the time-based performance data of the plant 

Ore tracking
Ore tracking benefits
  • An inexpensive and versatile material tracking concept from mine to the plant and beyond
  • Obtain valuable information about material movements
  • Link the physical properties of the ore in the mine to the time-based performance data of the plant to optimize the process as a whole
  • Track material through the delivery chain to monitor and optimize product supply management, transport logistics and margin management

Understand how different ore types impact performance

Our ore tracking service uses our patented SmartTag™ system to track parcels of ore from the mine into the plant and beyond. SmartTag™ is an innovative system that uses hardened Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, detectors and custom software to track ore through the mining process. 

Detection points are located at key points of ore processing.  This technology does not require an internal power source, yet the tags have the capacity to main in stockpiles for extended periods. 


We can correlate ore characteristics with important operating parameters in the mine and processing plant, such as ore dilution, ore losses, fragmentation, throughput and energy consumption. This provides an understanding of how different ores affect mine and plant operation and the final product. Operating parameters and control strategies in the mine and processing plant can be adjusted and optimized for different ore types, thereby reducing costs and increasing profitability.

The SmartTagTM system is also used to automate geometallurgical modeling in our unique GeoMetsoTM system enabling throughput forecasting and Life-of-Mine optimization.


SmartTag™ can also be used to track products from the mine through the entire transport chain (road, rail, and port) to the final customer. This is particularly relevant for iron ore and coal operations which often have complicated product marketing and supply logistics. Any properties can be tagged and tracked to facilitate the optimization of plant operation, sorting, blending, and homogenization to maximize the value of the final product. The system also provides more accurate reconciliation and allows monitoring and optimization of product supply and transport logistics.

Receive regular reports on how processes are performing along with recommendations of action to be taken.

Check the video
Watch the video to see how using the SmartTag helps you boost your plant performance by implementing pro-active plant control based on incoming ore type.
Using SmartTag™ - A mine to mill debugging tool webinar
Find out how the SmartTag™ tool can help to pinpoint where production issues lie in real-time in this on-demand webinar


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