Metso Corporate Sustainability Performance and reporting

Sustainability performance

We are transparent in communicating our goals and actions in sustainability. We report on sustainability on a quarterly and yearly basis in interim reports as well as Annual report more extensively. Most important KPI information and report links can be found on this page.

2023 Annual report sustainability content

Metso Plus approach

Metso Plus approach

Central to our sustainability efforts is our Metso Plus offering – products and services that are significantly more energy- or water-efficient than an industry benchmark or a previous-generation product in the market. 

We target to grow Metso Plus sales faster than overall sales. Our Metso Plus portfolio already includes over 100 products, and we aim to keep expanding and improving this offering to have a Metso Plus product for every part of our customers’ value chain. To achieve this, all our R&D projects must have sustainability benefits; we aim to have 80% of our R&D spend on Metso Plus product and services offering development by 2030.

In 2023, Metso Plus sales were EUR 1.5 billion. 99.8% of R&D project spend was with projects that have sustainability targets and 79% of our R&D spend was towards developing new Metso Plus producs.

Avoiding CO2 emissions in our own operations and logistics

We have ambitious CO2 emissions reduction targets for our own operations. We target net-zero emissions by 2030. In logistics we aim to decrease CO2 emission by 20% by 2025. In addition, we aim for 15% decrease in water consumption per employee in water scarce locations and 90% less waste landfill by 2030.

In 2023, we decreased CO2 emissions in our own operations by 73% compared to 2019 baseline. We achieved this by using a higher proportion of renewable energy sources and increasing the energy efficiency of our processes and facilities. Almost all Finnish locations shifted to renewable energy and the Tampere plant partially switched to green power in 2023. We also made investments into our own energy generation, for example by building solar power systems and by changing heat-treatment energy sources from gas to electric at our foundry in Vadodara, India.

Optimized logistics can significantly reduce our environmental footprint. In 2023, we reduced our logistics CO2 emissions by 7% compared to 2019. However, reducing logistics CO2 emissions is proving to be difficult given increasing business volumes, so we are looking for innovative ways to optimize the logistics even further, for instance by batching several shipments into one to optimize container loads.

Avoiding CO2 emissions in our own operations and logistics
Health and safety performance

Health and safety performance

We have an uncompromising approach to health and safety for all our employees, partners, customers and other stakeholders, and a comprehensive agenda to continuously improve our safety performance. In 2022, our LTIFR was 1.2 and TRIFR 3.0.

In 2023 we continued the work on the fatality prevention program that was launched in 2022. The purpose of the program is to prevent fatalities and severe injuries through a standardized approach to control the highest safety risks. As a result of the program, in 2022 we produced ten safety directives that set out detailed health and safety requirements for our businesses. These directives are the basis of our ten Life-Saving Rules.

In 2023, we performed audits at 11 locations. In response to the audit findings and risk observations, over 350 corrective actions were implemented to improve the overall level of safety.

Our supplier engagement

We encourage our suppliers to commit to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). One of our sustainability targets is that 30% of procurement spend is with suppliers who have committed to SBTi by 2025. Our supplier engagement program started in 2020 and 25.6% of our suppliers were committed to SBTi by the end of 2023.

Our annual auditing program identifies suppliers to be audited based on a supplier sustainability risk assessment. In 2023, we conducted 172 supplier sustainability audits, while 59% of the corrective actions
identified had been implemented by year-end.

Our supplier engagement

Our progress against sustainability targets

Long-term goals
Target for 2023
Metso Plus offering and innovationsGrow Metso Plus sales faster than overall salesGrow Metso Plus sales faster than overall salesGrow Metso Plus sales faster than overall salesEUR 1,447 millionEUR 1,225 millionOn target
Metso Plus offering and innovations100% of R&D project spend on projects with energy
efficiency, emissions, circularity, water or safety target
100% of R&D projects’ spend on projects with energy efficiency, emissions, circularity,
water, or safety target
100% of R&D projects’ spend on projects with energy efficiency, emissions, circularity, water, or safety target99.8%99.7%On target
Environmental efficiency in own operationsNet zero by 2030Net zero by 2030Decrease CO2 emissions by 68% compared to
32,182 tCO244,595 tCO2-73% (compared to 2019)
Environmental efficiency in operationsDecrease CO2 emissions from logistics by 20% by 2025
compared to 2019
Decrease CO2 emissions from logistics by 20%
by 2025 compared to 2019
Decrease CO2 emissions by 20% compared to 2019163,000 tCO2160,000 tCO2-7%
to 2019 )
Environmental efficiency in operations30% of direct procurement spend is with suppliers that have a
science-based CO2 emission target (SBT) by 2025
30% of direct procurement spend is with suppliers
that have a science-based CO2 emission
target (SBT) by 2025
20% of direct procurement spend is with suppliers
that have a science-based CO2 emission
target (SBT)
25.6%22.3%On target
Health and safetyZero harmZero harm

Continuous improvement in lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)



Below target

Health and safety

Zero harm

Zero harm

Continuous improvement in total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR)



Below target


All employees (including blue-collar workers)
trained on Code of Conduct every year

All employees (including blue-collar workers) trained on Code of Conduct every year.
External workforce not included.

All employees (including blue-collar workers) trained on Code of Conduct every year. External workforce not included.




On target


Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) in top 10%
of the industry benchmark

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) in top 10% of the industry benchmark.

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) in top 10% of the industry benchmark.

Top 10%
(eNPS score
54 )

Top 10%
(eNPS score
51 )

On target


Inclusion score in top 10% of the industry benchmark

Inclusion score in top 10% of the industry

Only long term target

Top 5%

Top 25%

Above target


Gender ratio in middle and senior management to
reach 30% female / 70% male by the end of 2030

Gender ratio in middle and senior management to
reach 30% female / 70% male by the end of 2030

Only long term target



In progress

Responsible supply chain

Continuous improvement and alignment with
procurement initiatives

Continuous improvement and alignment with
procurement initiatives

100 supplier sustainability audits per year conducted
in higher-risk areas.



On target