Metso Full portfolio Performance centers
Experts working at the new metso performance center for mining in Chile.

Performance centers

Take control of your site with remote support & optimization

Mining continues to be more remote and complex than ever. However, this is no excuse for a lack of responsiveness. When things go wrong, the consequences can add up quickly. Our Performance Centers provide remote access to the best equipment and process expertise when you need it, to help you stay ahead of problems and prevent them before they occur.

Connected equipment and remote expert services to help you reach your targets

Peace of mind


Predict and prevent to get ahead of issues before they start


Ensure operations & guidance

Gain access to our experts with recommendations and assessments using real-time analytics

Optimize your performance

Identify and sustain continuous development and performance through proactive collaboration 

Production performance
Optimize your process


Optimize your process and improve realibity 

Metso Performance Centers provide:
Metso Performance Centers provide:
  • State-of-the-art facilities custom-built for collaboration
  • The highest level of cybersecurity
  • Services for both Metso and non-Metso equipment
  • Data-driven insights to complement and amplify the performance of Metso services and products

Performance Centers service offering


Real-time visibility


Real-time equipment information and alarms through Metrics Monitoring for enhanced planning and decision-making.  Learn more here>>


Expert monitoring and recommendations


Performance Centers use advanced digital tools and the global expert network of Metso to provide a holistic expert remote service. We help to improve the reliability, operational performance, and optimization of your equipment based on your targets and needs.  Learn more here>>


Sustaining Performance – Advanced Process Control and Intelligent Instrument Lifecycle Services

Maintain the performance of your Advanced Process Control or intelligent instruments at the high level where it is first, right after commissioning with these lifecycle service solutions.


Remote maintenance support for gearless mill drives

Specialized technical assistance as well as proactive and emergency support on and off-site.


Reliability, maintenance and process optimization


Integrated, performance-based solutions combining expert services on sustainability, Performance Centers, reliability-centered maintenance, process optimization, and advanced process control.

Our support model for data-driven services

Performance Centers - Hubs for all remote digital services

Connecting equipment, processes, people, and technology, our Performance Centers feature:   

  • State-of-the-art facilities custom-built for collaboration
  • The highest level of applied cybersecurity
  • The capabilities to complement and amplify the performance of other Metso services and products

Our ability to provide reliable analytics services and resolve issues efficiently is based on connecting our team of experts. The Performance Centers enrich other services with data-driven insights. It all comes together with three levels of support: 

Tier 1 support - Local support and field services

Connected equipment for optimized Life Cycle Services

Technical support teams and field service engineers close to our customers are available to resolve your issues and to deliver on-site services if required.

Tier 2 support - Performance centers

Measure, monitor, optimize critical data and KPIs

Equipment, process, and technology engineers monitor your real-time data. They identify trends, derive insights, and alert the team when issues arise. At that time, they can provide immediate remote assistance for speedy problem analysis and resolution.

Tier 3 support - Global network

Building smart equipment and benchmarking from the ever-increasing globally connected installed base

Our global network of reliability engineers, field service, and equipment experts benchmark issues and will support long-term solution development.

Learn more from our Performance Center experts

Check the video
Discover how the global Metso Performance Centers can help you connect your equipment and turn data into actionable insights with the help of expert support.
Case 1

Crusher overloading detected


The customer was at risk for severe bushing damage fo their crusher due to high power overload events.


Analysis showed power draw set points were out of range.  The customer was instructed to revert back to recommended parameter values.


The customer onsite team followed the given instructions and costly damage to the bushing was averted.


Case 2

Early detection of a hydraulic problem


A hydraulic leak was progressively getting worse and approaching a point where the equipment would have to be brought to a complete stop.


The leak was detected by predictive analytics prior to being detected by the local control system.  The customer was given instructions on how to solve the issue.


The onsite team followed the instructions and fixed the issue without causing additional downtime.


Case 3

Monitoring helped present foundation damage


One corner of the customer's crusher showed abnormal vibration amplitude and frequency.


The customer was instructed to inspect the crusher based on abnormal measurements.


The crusher was shut down for inspection and an issue with the installation was confirmed.  Due to the early detection, costly and time-consuming foundation damage was prevented and rectified saving costs.


Case 4

Cloth failure detection


A hole in the cloth was detected which was causing premature wear due to slurry leakage.


The hole was detected by a remote service engineer through data analysis and the finding was communicated to the customer


The customer inspected the filter and confirmed the finding.  Because of the early detection, premature wear was limited/avoided and unplanned downtime was reduced.


Case 5

Courier accuracy and reliability improved


The customer's production performance was heavily dependent on the accuracy and availability of their Courier.


Metso Metrics for the Courier was integrated with a larger analyzer LCS to establish continuous and holistic support.


The Courier availability was 97-99% for more than 24 months, increased recovery* based on accurate online data.

*Achieving a recovery increase of e.g. 0.5% can result in an additional profit of 3.5MUSD

(example based on assumed copper processing with a production throughput of 1000t/h, a head grade of 1%, a market price of 3.5USD/lb, a recovery rate of 85%, and AISC 2USD/lb)




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